April 2017!

Hello again everyone. Again, I apologise about being on a hiatus over the past few months – I have had a lot going on, but I am well and truly back now.

This weekend is the start of April and I want to talk a bit about what I’ve got coming up this month.


Since the start of the year, I have seen SO MANY things on social media about “The songs which turn 10 this year”, something which got me thinking about the music I was listening to when I was 12/13. Once I thought about it further and looked into it, I realised that I could use the Trent’s Tracks side of this blog to explore this subject.

So, I have decided to do another megamonth of Trent’s Tracks similar to Through the Decades that I did in November last year, except this time it will be about songs from 2007 specifically. Every weekday throughout April, you will be getting two tracks as we count down my top 40 songs which hit the charts a decade ago. I hope you are all going to enjoy this trip down memory lane as we flash back to what is (in my opinion anyway) one of the best years ever in terms of music!

This series starts this coming Monday, April 3rd so don’t miss it!


Two weeks from now, after more than a year of waiting, Doctor Who series 10 will be upon us at last! As a massive Whovian myself, I am beyond excited for this, as are thousands of others here in the UK and around the world.

For the last series, I posted reviews of each episode:

I am of course planning on doing the same again throughout the upcoming series, with reviews posted usually the Sunday after the episodes are broadcast in the UK. In addition, I may be putting up some other Who-related posts to go alongside the episode reviews, where I will give my thoughts on some of the Whoniverse’s current topics of conversation (there are quite a few right now).

I hope all of my fellow DW fans are as excited for series 10 as I am, and are looking forward to the 15th!

And so you have A LOT of posts coming your way over the next thirty days, which is only right given that I have hardly posted for the last few months. It is going to be a busy but incredibly exciting month and I hope you are all looking forward to it!

My social media links are in the table below as always if you want to follow me or get in touch. As mentioned above, my 2007 countdown begins on Monday, so stay tuned for that. Until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!

Social Media Links
