The Woman Who Lived review

As it is very late, I’m going to make this post a short one.

I loved this episode. Maisie Williams once again shone and delivered an emotional rollercoaster ride. We got to see how the character of Ashildr, through her long life, had lost much of her humanity and turned into Lady Me. The consequences of her immortality are that she has very little human emotion or connection remaining having suffered a lot over the centuries that she has lived. The episodes where we get less focus on an aliens are probably my favourites, because they look into how the Doctor and his actions impact directly on humans and this for me is a fantastic way to explore the way the Doctor affects humanity.

Overall, this episode was a powerful emotional journey through the human consequences of immortality, played so brilliantly by Maisie Williams. She was absolutely flawless across both halves of this two-parter and Ashildr/Lady Me is one of my favourite characters from this series. The Woman Who Lived was a well-written journey through the effects of human trauma, with some very comedic moments thrown in as well.

Rating for The Woman Who Lived


Apologies about this being two weeks late and very short. I explained in my last post that there has been a lot going on in my life over the last couple of weeks which has stopped me from posting. My next post will be a double review of The Zygon Invasion and The Zygon Inversion and hopefully will be up by Monday night at the latest. As usual, social media is below and comments are open for you to share your thoughts. Until next time, keep following, keep smiling and above all keep believing.


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