Under the Lake review

WARNING! This post, as ever, contains spoilers about the latest episode so if you haven’t yet had the chance to watch it, don’t read on until you have seen it.

This week, there are a few talking points from the episode that I want to explore.

Firstly, I feel as though it would be impossible to discuss this episode without mentioning one word – ghosts. This feels like quite an interesting change for Doctor Who as it doesn’t really emphasise the concept of aliens and space as much as we are used to seeing. It changes and challenges the conventional idea of what the show is about and in a sense diverts the main theme from alien to human. Although we are used to seeing humanoid creatures in the show, the ghosts are a more powerful human manifestation than some of what we have seen before. This increase in the human side of the monster does however follow a pattern which is traditional throughout the show’s history. In the past, we have seen the show make monsters out of the fears of spiders (Raccnos), the fear of robots (Cybermen) and of course the fear of statues (Weeping Angels). Looking at how this is dealt with in Under The Lake, we see that it uses the idea of ghost stories we are all told as children, where they are the souls of the dead who have returned, but they only come out at night, when it is dark and we are most scared. This theme of playing on childhood phobias somehow gives this episode a creepier, more human and more real feel than some of the episodes of the past. I think that this is a wonderful concept and is one of the reasons why I enjoyed this episode.

Also adding to the reality of episode 3 was the concept of the underwater base. Rather than show us a near future where the human race has conquered space and has begun to spread its wings and its empire across the universe, the writer chose to make it about a time that is in fact not that different to the one we are living in now. Again, does this deviation from the space stations and alien worlds make everything so much scarier than is conventional in the Whoniverse? Is the increase in reality and closeness to the world we know a way of making this feel like a more believable episode? In a way, the submarine base also shows us that in fact there are things to be scared of in our world that we haven’t yet explored. Do we really know what lies beneath the surface of our lakes and oceans? Is there terrifying life down there that we haven’t discovered yet? Maybe so, and it scares me to think about it.

Now it is time to look into the cliff-hanger and some of the questions that the end of the episode has left us with. So, Clara and two of the crew are trapped in the base which is being flooded by the ghosts, which now include that of the Doctor himself! In the next episode, titled “Before the Flood”, the Doctor will be going back in time to try to find out what happened in the village before it was submerged and ultimately to find out how and why the ghosts exist. So, as I always do, I am going to include a list of questions about the end of the episode.

Who (or what) are the ghosts?

Who (or what) created the ghosts?

How were the ghosts created?

What happened in the village before it was flooded and did it lead to the creation of the ghosts?

Why is the Doctor now a ghost haunting the underwater base?

What happened to the Doctor?

This was a brilliant episode and the first one I’ve ever watched with a group of other Whovians around me. It was a high-pace, thrilling kind of episode and really contained a lot of action without overkilling it. I also believe that this story was right to be spread across two episodes rather than trying to cram everything into one spell of 50 minutes, which is one of the reasons that I wasn’t a huge fan of series 8. All in all, a great episode which has left me wanting more and I cannot wait to see if next week lives up to my expectations.

Rating for Under the Lake


So, those are my thoughts on “Under the Lake”. As always, let me know your thoughts on this episode and what you expect from episode 4. You can do this by leaving a comment below or by following me on all of the social media links at the bottom of this post and messaging me. My next post will be up on Friday and should (hopefully) be a post on my first week of placement year, so be sure to keep up with me for news on that. Until then, keep following, keep smiling and above all, keep believing.


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