Sleep No More review

Welcome to my review of Series 9, Episode 9 of Doctor Who, titled Sleep No More. Remember not to read on if you haven’t yet seen the episode because there are spoilers and I wouldn’t want to be blamed for ruining it for you. You have been warned!

For me, this episode had some good elements to it. I loved the concepts of the Sandmen and the unique way in which the story was told through character perspectives rather than external cameras.

These delivered a very strong horror movie feel to the episode and has shown that the format of Doctor Who is flexible enough to be able to explore new ways of telling stories. It is a testament to the show’s diversity and longevity that every so often, a unique type of story can come along which hasn’t been done before and surprises us with how refreshing and terrifying it is.

Abandoned space stations (or indeed anywhere that’s abandoned) always provide a terrifying backdrop to any Doctor Who storyline. This once again adds to the suspense and the horror movie atmosphere of Sleep No More. You know that something is lurking in those dark corners or behind the main characters and the eeriness of the silence builds the suspense fantastically.

As is the case with many of the monsters in Doctor Who, the Sandmen play on fundamental human aspects. We all need sleep, we all try to beat it and we all wipe that green dust out of the corners of our eyes when we wake up in the morning. These combine to form a fear of things we can all relate to and it is a really terrifying thought that we all have a possible life form living on our faces, which could rise up and take over at any time.

Overall, this episode was definitely unique in terms of its style and provided us with terrifying monsters as all good Doctor Who stories should. Despite not being the best episode of the series, it was still an enjoyable, amazing and frightening thrill ride.

Rating for Sleep No More


Once again, this is late and I apologise for being such a rubbish blogger. Hope you enjoyed reading it anyway and as usual you can comment or let me know via social media if you agree with anything I’ve said about the episode. Next post should be my latest Life Updates post so keep an eye out for that and until then, keep active, keep smiling and above all keep believing!


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