Hell Bent Review

This week’s episode of Doctor Who, the final one of the series, was action-packed as ever, and there are so many talking points to go over, so let’s get started.


Over two years since Day of the Doctor, we finally got the return of Gallifrey we fans had been waiting for.

The Doctor banished Racelon, took over as Lord President and killed the general, which leaves me wondering something. Are the Timelords good or evil? Certainly from my own knowledge of the Whoniverse, it is never made clear which side they stand on, with a lot of their actions being somewhat questionable at times. This has even manifested itself in various incarnations of the Doctor over the years as well, with flashes of darkness in the seemingly nicer versions, whilst others such as six and nine had personalities which were almost nothing but dark. I think this is a good point to remind ourselves that the Timelords are aliens and possibly have a very different moral compass to us humans, hence why they are so difficult to predict.

I absolutely loved having them back though. Hopefully there are now going to be several more returns to Gallifrey in the years to come as it will be interesting to see how the Timelords’ apparent lack of morals manifest themselves. I also would like to see more clashes between the Doctor and the other Timelords like those in Classic Who just to see how far either side will go. Long live Gallifrey!


Even though she “died” a few weeks ago, Hell Bent was Clara’s true final appearance in Doctor Who, and was the chance to round off the character for good.

With the help of his fellow Timelords, the Doctor extracted Clara from the exact moment before she died, to make an attempt to save her, prolong her life and ultimately try to stop her from dying. What this gave us was some more, rather emotional, scenes between the two of them, as has been commonplace throughout this series and across the time Clara has been a companion.

In the end, the Doctor is subjected to a neural lock, which wipes most of his memory of Clara, or at the very least so that he forgets what she looks like. For me, watching this scene made me reminisce about the Donna scenario, because this is similar and heart-breaking, despite the fact that it is the reverse. Even though she has saved him so many times and they have had so many fantastic adventures together, the Doctor cannot remember who she is. In many ways, this is more upsetting because unlike Donna who lost her memory and stopped travelling, the Doctor has lost his memory but will carry on being in the show, so we fans will have to watch him knowing that he has no real idea of what he has lost. So sad!

A question which has been running through my mind and those of other Whovians from around the world since the end of the episode involves Clara and Lady Me. At the end, we see them fly off in the other TARDIS and talk about holding off Clara’s death. This would seem to indicate that they have flown off and are planning on travelling the universe for a while before sending Clara back to the moment of her death (if they ever do). Speculation is now beginning to fly around on the internet that there is now the potential for a spin-off series, based on the adventures of Clara and Lady Me. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?

So, Clara has now gone, and Moffat was (for once) telling the truth when he said it was going to be impossible for her to ever return. All in all, I think that it’s a good conclusion for her character. She died, but she isn’t dead. It combines the idea of a companion death with that of a companion simply leaving and going off to carry on living.


Finally, after the DISASTER that was the sonic sunglasses, the end of this episode saw the return of the sonic screwdriver. I am so glad that it’s back, because like so many others, I HATED the sunglasses. This also gives Capaldi another feature unique to his Doctor. He always just seemed strange carrying around Matt Smith’s sonic, and I always wanted him to get his own (which wasn’t a ridiculous pair of unnecessary glasses) and so this makes me so happy.


One of my favourite things about Doctor Who is the variation of TARDIS consoles. Don’t ask me why, I just love the way the interior of the TARDIS changes with each Doctor.
With this in mind, imagine how amazed I was to see a classic interior return in this episode in the form of the stolen TARDIS, now being piloted by Clara and Me. I love that console room, mainly because it harks back to classic Who and the origins of the show and how the Doctor became who he is today. it was amazing and I just love it when we see these old sets reappear, for example when the tenth Doctor’s TARDIS popped up in The Doctor’s Wife.

After what seems like no time at all, this series of Doctor Who is over. The finale delivered on so many levels. It was a fantastic conclusion to the best series of the Moffat era so far. With so many classic elements blended in to create a formula for a brilliant plot, it allowed Clara to leave the Doctor behind in a heart-breaking way, whilst allowing himself to move on in a way which will not affect him too emotionally in the future. All in all, a great episode to finish off a great series. It combined so many different elements in a fantastically emotional way.

Rating for Hell Bent



We are now on number 17 on my Christmas music chart. This entry is a song which is hated by the person who sang it. But then, if you are one of the most successful musicians who ever lived, doing cheesy Christmas songs is probably a bit of a step-down. Nonetheless, I love this song and I hope you guys feel the same. Here is Paul and Linda McCartney’s song Wonderful Christmas Time. Enjoy!

Paul and Linda McCartney

Wonderful Christmas Time

That is it for today. If you want to let me know what you thought of this episode or of anything I’ve spoken about, you can leave a comment on this post or let me know on my social media, the links for which are below. My next Blogmas post will be up tomorrow night, and don’t worry, there will be Doctor Who posts every Sunday until the end of this year! So, stay tuned for all of that and until tomorrow, keep festive, keep smiling and above all, keep believing!


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