Doctor Who Review: The Pilot

Hello again everyone.

On Saturday, Doctor Who returned at last! After more than a year of waiting, our favourite time-travelling alien is back with a new sonic, a new companion, and some cracking new adventures on the way over the next three months!

With the return of the show comes the return of my episode reviews, where I’ll be sharing my thoughts on each episode, and looking at my expectations for upcoming episodes as well.

This is my review of episode 1 “The Pilot”. WARNING! This post contains spoilers so if you have not seen it yet, DO NOT read on.


Of course, this episode centred around new companion Bill as she meets the Doctor for the first time. We already knew from hearsay that Bill was going to be a different kind of companion to those we have seen in the past, but The Pilot really gave her a chance to show us exactly who she was and how unique a companion she is going to be.

She asks different types of questions to what we have come to expect from the Doctor’s companions. I know that what Moffat is trying to do is to make Bill more “relatable” to the audience, that is to say she is asking the things that any ordinary person would upon encountering this character and entering his world. My favourite examples include

·         “It’s made of wood, and it’s got windows” when talking about the security of the TARDIS doors

·         “It’s like a… kitchen” upon seeing the interior of the TARDIS

·         “If you’re from another planet, why would you name your box in English?

She doesn’t immediately accept the Doctor’s world like other companions have. With them, they just seemed to believe it very quickly whereas with Bill, it took most of the episode for her to fully embrace this time-travelling alien and his magical machine.

This was very much HER episode. From the beginning, we are seeing things from her perspective, we are very much in her world of a 21st century character (not pleased they’ve gone with another modern companion but I can live with it) which gives her a relatable quality and allows us as an audience to get to know her before she goes onto the TARDIS.


On this note, I am glad that they didn’t allow the villain to overshadow her debut, which I think means that Moffat has at last learnt how to write a decent multi-layered episode without cramming and overcomplicating things.

Although we didn’t really find out much about the lifeform which took hold of Heather during “The Pilot”, she still made for a terrifying character. Moffat has gone back to what he can do so well, which is to make everyday mundane things into things which can kill you. Previous examples include gasmask zombies (“Are you my mummy?), shadows (“Hey, who turned out the lights?”) and, of course who could forget the fact that statues are really Weeping Angels? In this instance, he has taken the idea of reflections, particularly in puddles and turned it against us. A brilliantly simple and et somehow absolutely terrifying concept. I’ll certainly be checking my reflection is the right way around every time I look in the mirror now!


We know that the Doctor is on Earth lecturing at a university, and it is revealed during the episode that he and Nardole are guarding a vault in a basement, and that they must protect it from all harm. This has thrown up lots of questions about what might be coming up throughout this series.

·         What is in the vault?

·         Why is the Doctor guarding it?

·         Why must it be protected from all harm?

·         How long exactly has he been guarding it?

o   Bill mentions that one of the other lecturers claims he has been at the university for up to 70 years, so is this how long?

·         Is this going to be the story arc for Series 10 which leads to…

o   …Nardole’s death?

o   …Bill’s death?

o   …the return of the Master(s)?

o   …the Doctor’s regeneration?


Just a few little things to look out for if you watch episode 1 back again.

·         The classic line “It’s bigger on the inside!”

·         The jar of Sonic Screwdrivers

·         The photo of River Song

·         The photo of the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan

o   The fact that he has her picture alongside that of River makes me ask the question – has she died as well?

Please let me know if you’ve spotted any others I have missed (leave me a comment or get in touch on my social media links in the table below).

You can also use those channels to chat about the episode and give me your thoughts on Bill/Nardole/the vault/anything else you want to talk about.

Hope you enjoyed this review and of course are excited for the rest of the series.

Until my next post, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!

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