Heaven Sent Review

Welcome to the review of Episode 11: Heaven Sent. As is ALWAYS the case with these reviews, I am going to warn you that there WILL be spoilers in this post, so don’t read on unless you have seen the episode.

This week saw a first for Doctor Who – an episode with only one main voiced character.

It was a fantastically unique way to tell a story and gave Capaldi a chance to show his ability as an actor, something which he did wonderfully. I have to give credit to him for being able to pull off such a challenge and to nonetheless deliver a stunning and emotionally-charged performance. Without any other actors or real characters to interact with and bounce off, it showcased Peter Capaldi’s range of acting talents, with displays of fear and brilliance, alongside the grief of having just lost Clara. I highly rate him as an actor, and Heaven Sent proved me very much right to do so.

As the series is nearly at its end (sob), the story arcs are becoming clearer. Finally, we now know what was inside the Doctor’s confession dial, which Missy had way back in episode 1. So, if this is the point where it was created, how does it fall into her hands? Did he give it to her? Did she steal it? Is it given to her at the end of one of his lives? Maybe we’ll find out next week.

The other story arc which has recurred throughout series 9 is the mention of a creature known as the Hybrid. From this episode, we now have a few more details of what or whom it is. The Doctor spoke of the Hybrid being a legend from Gallifrey, supposedly a creature which was half Dalek, half Timelord. He also said that he knew what it was and where to find it. At the end of the episode, however, the Doctor refutes the legend of it being half Dalek because “the Daleks would never allow that” and then proclaims that “The Hybrid is me.” there are two possible ways that he could be telling the truth. Number one, it is exactly as it seems and the Doctor himself is the Hybrid or two, it could mean that it is the character played by Maisie Williams, who refers to herself as “Me”. Again, we will probably find out in next week’s finale.

Overall, this is without a doubt in mind the best episode of this entire series so far. A brilliantly thought out and well-devised story, with deep personal and emotional aspects of the Doctor. Capaldi once again showed his astonishing range of ability as an actor and delivered a super performance in what is undoubtedly the most challenging episode of Doctor Who there has ever been.

Rating for Heaven Sent


To say I am excited about next week’s finale would be a massive understatement. From the trailer alone, it promises to be a massive episode. Timelords, Gallifrey and the Hybrid are all things to look forward to, as well as the return to where the 50th anniversary special left us, over two years ago – Gallifrey Falls No More.

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