The Zygon Invasion and Inversion review

For this post, I will be reviewing the two-part Zygon story. If you haven’t seen them both yet, I recommend watching them before reading on as there will be spoilers in this review.

There are quite a few things about these episodes I want to cover so let’s get started.


When the Zygons were in the 50th anniversary episode in 2013, I expected that we would see more of them in the episode than we did. It felt like such a poor decision made by Steven Moffat to bring back a classic Doctor Who villain without explaining more to modern viewers about what they were.

These episodes definitely made up for that because they weren’t thrown in alongside so many other things like in “Day of The Doctor”. I absolutely love the Zygons for several reasons. One, I love seeing classic villains reintroduced in NuWho. Two, they are different to every other monster in the Whoniverse because they genuinely terrify me. There aren’t a lot of things in the world which scare me, but I don’t mind admitting that I’m a 21-year-old man who is scared of a shape-shifting alien which can take the form of any creature it likes! Three, they are just plain creepy!


I absolutely love it when UNIT make an appearance in Doctor Who, as they bring the show right back to 21st century Earth and make the events seem more contemporary. They also seem to provide a challenge to the Doctor and offer a more human perspective of events when he is unable to.

Another reason to like it when UNIT are involved is that it gives the show a classic feel, particularly looking back to the 3rd Doctor’s era when he was exiled on Earth. References to classic Who haven’t occurred as much as I would like since the show’s return in 2005, so it is always refreshing when the history of Doctor Who is acknowledged in this way.


Without a doubt, Osgood is one of my favourite characters ever.

She is the Doctor’s ultimate fangirl, which means that she is instantly relatable to thousands of dedicated Whovians around the world. I love her constant cosplay; scarves, bowties (which are still cool) and of course most recently question marks.

Even though I know it is unlikely to happen, I would absolutely love to see Osgood return as a companion to the Doctor in the future. She has the strength to challenge the Doctor and ask him questions, two things which are in my view fundamental elements of any companion in the show.

The Doctor’s Speech

Having seen occasional flashes of emotion during his reign, the 12th Doctor gave his finest and most emotional moment to date with his speech to Bonnie in the Black Archive. For the first time, he went off on a rant about how he had been involved in the Time War and had lost everything and it became the most emotionally powerful thing that this Doctor has delivered to us and it is a testament to Capaldi’s acting that he can give such a performance.

This two-parter was fast-paced and emotional in places and is full of amazing performances. It delivered a fantastic story which blended elements of both Classic and NuWho wonderfully and is possibly Peter Capaldi’s finest hour as the Doctor. Without a doubt, the highlight of this series so far and my favourite storyline.

Rating for The Zygon Invasion/Inversion


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