
Welcome back to Blogmas. Today’s topic is going to be people. Hope you enjoy it!

Earlier this year, I wrote a post about family, and what that word means to me. I explained how it was about more than blood, and that close friends are part of my family too. I wanted to revisit that subject today and relate it to how important people are at this time of year.

Coming back home today (December 18th) had made me once again thinking of those people around me who mean a lot to me. For me, those who mean the most are all of those who have supported me through good and bad times, and have been there when I really needed them.

There are my closest friends who have given me the amount of confidence I have now through the amazing times we have spent together.  Even though I haven’t known some of you for that long, you are amazing and such wonderful people and have helped me so much. No matter what, you have been there and I am so grateful to you all if you are reading this.

When it comes to my family, there are really two sides to it. Of course, as is the case with all families, I have relatives who I have very rarely seen or spoken to, if ever. On the other side of things, I have those blood relatives who I am close to, and are very much part of my life. The latter type is the one I value, because I do not think that people who don’t make much effort are really worth my time or energy. I would much rather spend the time with those who know me, and who take the time to support me and be there whenever I might need them.

I like to think that the term family DOES NOT necessarily mean anyone you are related to by blood, but rather those who you are closest to, be they relatives or friends. At this time of year, I am so grateful that I don’t have to spend time with anyone who only decides to make the effort once a year, and I can enjoy myself spending time and creating happy memories with those who value me all year round, not just at Christmas, and those that are important to me.

I suppose the message from this is that in life, and particularly at Christmas, it is better to spend time with fewer people who value you, rather than having a large family who don’t make the effort.


It’s time to get excited as we enter the top 5 songs on this Christmas countdown! At number 5, a true musical legend in his own right. We’ve already heard from one Beatle in this chart, and now it’s time for another. A ballad about world peace at Christmas, this song is incredible and I truly view it as a classic Christmas tune. Here it is then, coming in at number 5, John Lennon and Yoko Ono with Happy Xmas (War Is Over). Enjoy!

John and Yoko

Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

And there you have it, another Blogmas post is done! For any updates, or to get in touch with me, you can follow me on my social media links below, or post a comment on this post. Stay tuned for my next Blogmas post and until then, keep festive, keep smiling, and above all keep believing!


