Christmas Trees

Hello and welcome to Day 2 of Blogmas 2015! For today, I wanted to talk all about Christmas trees and give my thoughts on some of the things generally associated with them.

First things first, there is always the question of whether or not to get a real tree or one which is artificial. In my whole life, I have only ever had one real tree. When I was 12, having gone through various plastic trees over the years, we decided that it would be nice to get a real tree for once. Although the idea was initially a good one and it was amazing to have a real Christmas tree for the first time, the novelty wore off very quickly. The thing that you don’t realise about real fir trees is that they moult a lot, covering your floor in needles which ultimately end up EVERYWHERE. Since that year and having to vacuum half a tree off of the floor, we have always had an artificial one in our house and have agreed that we never want to repeat the experience of that year.

After having chosen which type of tree to go with, you then need to decorate it.

Up until recently, I didn’t realise that some people were very particular about their tree decorations. In my house, we always decorate ours with a patchwork of different baubles and tinsel from different years of my life. It was quite surprising to me to learn that there are people out there who do not like this idea and want a fully colour-coordinated tree with matching tinsel and baubles. For me, the many different decorations accumulated are reminders of certain Christmases and bring back memories from several years of my life. I guess I didn’t know about other people’s traditions because I am so used to my own, but I have total respect for the way others choose to celebrate this time of the year.

I will talk more about colours in an upcoming post (hint, hint) but I love the wide variety that is available when it comes to tinsel. On one side, you have the conventional Christmas colours like red, green, silver and gold. And then, on the other side of things, you can buy tinsel which is pink, purple, and even black! I am definitely in favour breaking away from the traditional and doing something unique and I am amazed that we now have such a huge range of colours to pick from for decorations.

Having decorated with baubles and tinsel, it is time to top it off with either a star or an angel. For me, this brings back the memories of making angels out of cardboard tubes at school. I think it is for this reason that I prefer angels. However, I am always willing to change it up and go with a star.

Once the decorations are on, it is time to wrap it in lights. I love the way it makes the tree all sparkly and pretty. It adds a fantastic final glowing touch to the ornamental tree in the corner of the room and is such a beautiful thing to have on a dark night. The fully lit tree adds an amazing atmosphere to any room.

Feel free to send me any tree ideas or pictures to me on my social media pages (links at the end of this post) and you can also leave a comment if you want to have your say on anything I’ve posted about. Come back tomorrow for day 3 of Blogmas. Until then, keep active, keep smiling and above all keep believing!


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