Advent Calendars

Welcome to day 1 of Blogmas! For the next month, you will be getting a post every day. Most of them will be about Christmas things, alongside my usual content. I hope you enjoy coming on this Blogmas journey with me! Off we go…

It seems perfectly logical that we start by talking about Advent calendars. I’m sure most of you have got one, no matter what age you are, and delightfully ripped open the first door this morning to enjoy the chocolate delight behind.

I have no shame in saying that I still enjoy having an Advent calendar despite the fact that I am now 21 years old. As a child, I would get so excited at the prospect of being allowed to eat chocolate first thing in the morning. At no other time of year would I ever be able to do this! Each day, I would jump out of bed excitedly, run downstairs and open that day’s door. And of course, as each day passed, Christmas Day, and the pile of presents, got closer and closer and the excitement would build up inside of me for whatever I had been given that year. So, in a way, the countdown to Christmas truly starts when these calendars appear and I love the atmosphere and joy that comes with the approaching festive period.

This year, I am embarking on my first ever Blogmas challenge. As a result, I have decided to buy myself not one, but TWO calendars. Before you judge me for being greedy, I have one which I will open in the morning just like every other year and the second one is being used as an incentive. I have promised myself that I can only take the chocolate from this calendar if I have put up a post that day, in order to act as motivation for me to keep up with this crazy blogging challenge.

The Marvel calendar is my Blogmas calendar and the “The Simpsons” one is my regular one.

There we have it then. You can share any of your thoughts on Advent calendars, or indeed any pictures, with me on any of my social media links which will be below. Also, do feel free to leave a comment on this post if you’d like. So, Blogmas has now started. Come back tomorrow for my next Christmassy post. Until then, keep active, keep smiling and keep believing!


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Spotify: Search for “trentblogs” 
