Christmas Lights

Already it’s the second week of December, and Blogmas is now on its eighth day! Hope you’re enjoying it so far and will like today’s post, which will be all about lights.

Whether they are hung up on the streets, on the outside of your house, or just wrapped around your Christmas tree, lights add so much magic and sparkle to this time of year. It is such a comfort for the world to be so beautifully lit up at the time of year when the nights are the longest and the weather is coldest. The switching on of lights signals the start of winter and the coming of Christmas, and they provide such an atmosphere, and still give me the same sense of awe and wonder they did when I was a child. For me, walking down a street that is colourfully lit just epitomises the childlike excitement when you know that Christmas is on the way, and just adds so much to this special season in my eyes.

Over the last few weeks, I have taken some photos of the lights in Birmingham. Don’t they look really beautiful?


Today’s choice comes from Chris de Burgh and is an incredibly catchy song, which captures the original meaning of Christmas wonderfully. Very much a Christmas classic, here is Spaceman Came Travelling.

Chris de Burgh

Spaceman Came Travelling

I am sorry that this post is shorter than some of the others, and I promise there are some longer posts to come.  However, I do hope you are enjoying Blogmas so far. As usual, you can comment or get in touch via my social media to let me know your thoughts on anything I’ve posted about. Come back tomorrow for the next post, and until then, keep festive, keep smiling and above all keep believing.


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  1. I didn't even know I was in that last one! Have you noticed one of the cranes (I think it's the one near pigeon park, you can see it from the German market) is lit up too? It's pretty impressive


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