Life Updates December 5th

Christmas is coming and I am so freaking excited.

I started off my Blogmas this week, and it has really got me into a festive mood. I am absolutely loving posting about Christmassy things and posting every day. If you haven’t already, go and look back over this week’s posts and see if you agree with anything I’ve said. There will be a post each day in December so there is still plenty more festive content to come. In addition to this, I have now begun counting down my 20 favourite Christmas songs of all time, with one being revealed every day at the end of each post. This was such a fun thing to do and I hope there is something on there that you like.

Tonight also marks the end of this series of Doctor Who, which I am absolutely buzzing for. I am going to be watching it with friends as I do every week, with a sort of end-of-series party to celebrate. What this does mean, however, is that there are no more episodes to review. It DOES NOT mean that my series of review posts is going to end. Until the end of this year, I am planning on continuing the series and the following table shows you how it is going to do so.

Hell Bent (series finale) review
6th December
Series 9 review
13th December
Husbands of River Song (Christmas Special) expectations
20th December
Husbands of River Song (Christmas Special) review
27th December

So, you have a few more Doctor Who posts to look forward to yet, including the Hell Bent review tomorrow. Yay!

Today’s song comes from a group who to someone of my generation, aren’t very well-known for anything other than THIS. In a way, this is true with a lot of artists who release Christmas songs. They aren’t the most memorable of music acts, but are immortalised through one Christmas track which is played decades after they have come and gone.

I don’t know why I like this song, but I just do. With very truly 1970s fashion and a very 1970s budget video, here is Mud, with Lonely This Christmas at number 18 on my list. Enjoy!


Lonely This Christmas

There you go then. Let me know your thought, either by commenting or following me on any of my social media links which are below. Tomorrow’s post will be my Hell Bent review, along with number 17 on my Christmas chart. Please do come back for that and until then, keep festive, keep smiling and of course, above all, keep believing!


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Spotify: Search for “trentblogs” 
