Life Updates December 19th

It may still be Blogmas, but it is Saturday again which means it’s time to give you another update on what is going on in my life at the moment. This will in fact be the last life updates post of 2015, and then things are going to be slightly different in the New Year. I will update you on this soon, but for now, here is today’s post. Enjoy!

So, after three months, this term and the first half of my placement year have officially come to an end, meaning I can now reflect on this experience. I have decided to highlight five things which I have gained from this placement.

·         Vital work experience for my CV
·         Using my social media skills in a professional environment
·         Being able to be given and meet deadlines to tasks given in an employment context
·         Feeling confident in being part of a team in a work environment
·         Understanding of how much value I could bring to a potential employer in the future

And so, I have to say that despite my hesitation and reluctance to start this placement back in October, I have gained so much and had an amazing time over the last three months. It ended up being a far more enjoyable experience than I had ever hoped, and I will absolutely miss my little workstation in that office.

Now though, the next half of my placement year is on the way. For the past week, I have been working my way through the paperwork for next term when I will be in France. I am so excited for this and will, of course, keep you regularly updated over the next few weeks as to what’s going on with it, and I promise you some exciting things will be posted soon.


We’ve now reached number 4 on this countdown, and today’s song features some hilariously garish Christmas jumpers, and an incredibly catchy song. This track comes from a Welshman by the name of Shakin’ Stevens. In 1985, he released this and it has become an all-time Christmas classic since. Here is the wonderful Merry Christmas Everyone, a brilliant song which is my fourth favourite ever. Enjoy!

Shakin Stevens

Merry Christmas Everyone

And that is it for this post. If you want to share your thoughts or any photos with me, you can do so via my social media links or by commenting on this post. Stay tuned for my next Blogmas post and until then, keep festive, keep smiling, and above everything else, keep believing!


