Trent's Tracks: Through the Decades 19

Hello everyone and welcome to another Trent’s Tracks: Through the Decades.

Over the course of five weeks (October 24th – November 27th), I will be exploring some of the finest music from each of the last five decades (yes, that’s a whole week for each decade) with a brand new song being added to the list every single day. By the end of the five weeks, there will be 35 songs on the list for you to enjoy from throughout the last 46 years.

We are now closing in on the end of 1990s week, with only three songs left to go.

I have always loved today’s song, because although it is slow and solemn, its message is one of hope. It is about the fact that going through bad times is normal, but that in the end everything will be fine – a principle I really believe in.

I give you the breath-taking Everybody Hurts by REM.


Everybody Hurts

The message of hope despite the hurt is particularly appropriate given the events of the last week, and of this year in general.

If you are hurting right now, PLEASE hang on and keep on fighting. Don’t give up because no matter who you are, YOU ARE IMPORTANT. Eventually, everything will be fine, I promise. The pain will not last forever, and there is always hope.

I am ready to listen to anyone who wants to talk (social media in the table) and remember that you are not alone, EVER.

Now more than ever, it is important to KEEP BELIEVING!

