Trent's Tracks Through the Decades 12

Hello everyone and welcome back to Trent’s Tracks: Through the Decades, and to 1980s week.

Over the course of five weeks (October 24th – November 27th), I will be exploring some of the finest music from each of the last five decades (yes, that’s a whole week for each decade) with a brand new song being added to the list every single day. By the end of the five weeks, there will be 35 songs on the list for you to enjoy from throughout the last 46 years.

We are now down to the final three songs of the decade. I’ve already mentioned that this was without a doubt the most difficult decade to choose the songs for, with some big artists missing out on being in the final 7. However, the three I’ve got left are for me the three greatest songs the 1980s produced, and whether or not you agree, I believe that I have undoubtedly saved the best for last.

During the early 80s, Sheffield electronic band The Human League emerged onto the music scene. They had several huge hits including Don’t You Want Me which topped the charts on both sides of the Atlantic, and even ended up being Christmas number one in the UK in 1981.

However, the song I have chosen for today is not from the group itself, but from a separate musical venture by frontman Phil Oakey. In 1984, Oakey teamed up with producer Giorgio Moroder to write the theme song for a film called Electric Dreams. They would later go on and produce a whole album together, sadly with not as much success as this song had.

I heard this song at the age of about 14, and fell in love with its synth sound in a way I could not explain. Used for many an advert over the years, many people will recognise this song, and is just such a delight to listen to.

Everyone, I give you Phil Oakey and Giorgio Moroder with their 1984 single, Together In Electric Dreams.

Phil Oakey and Giorgio Moroder

Together In Electric Dreams


What do you think of this song?

Where would you put it on a list of your favourite tracks of the 1980s?

As always, my social media links will be in the table below, and I invite you to use those channels to let me know your thoughts. There is also the comments section if you prefer.

We are almost at the end of our second decade now, but don’t worry, because the last two songs will blow you away. The first of these will be up tomorrow at 5pm UK time, so look out for that and until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!

