Blogtober: My Favourite Posts

Hello again everyone, and welcome to day 6 of my Blogtober challenge. If you have missed any posts so far, you can catch up on the links down below:

Today I’m going to hit you with a huge blast of personal blogging nostalgia (or “blogstalgia” if you like) as this week of blogging-related blogposts continues.

With over 200 posts now on this page, I thought it was time I went back through them all and chose my favourite posts I’ve ever written. So, here are my top 10 posts.

8th January 2016

I love this post because this is where Trent’s Tracks, my music series, began.

Since I put up this post to kick it off, I have done so many posts in the series, including two posting marathons. So many songs have been added to the list since this one, but this is where it all started in January of last year.

31st July 2015

Here’s my post all about the word “family” and what it means to me.

It was one of my first ever posts on this page and to this day I am super proud of it.

10th February 2015

Of course, I still look back on the FIRST EVER POST on this page as a moment of pride.

Without this post, none of what has been since would have happened. I still reread this post from time to time and remind myself not only of how this page began, but also of how far I’ve come over the last two and a half years.

29th February 2016

When I wrote my “New Hobbies” post back in February last year, it took longer than any post I’d written up to that point.

To date, it remains one of the longest posts on this page.

I hadn’t spent so much time on one post before and I was so proud when it was finished.

4th September 2015

This is one of my most popular posts.

I am a passionate writer so any chance I get to talk about this passion is something I really enjoy doing. This was the first time I had written in depth about it on this page and it was such a wonderful post to write.

21st June 2017

Earlier this year, I kicked off my new blog series called Wanderlust, all about the places in the world I want to travel to. So far, this has been the highlight. I love Brighton so much and writing about how much I want to go back was fantastic.

10th May 2017/14th May 2017

OK, so I know this is two posts but they go together so…

I was so inspired when I discovered what a vision board was that not only did I want to make one of my own, I wanted to pass the idea onto you guys so that you could get inspired.

27th June 2016

Ever since the EU referendum result last June, the UK’s political establishment has change considerably, and not always for the better.

In the days after the result was declared, I found myself feeling so uncertain and down about the future that I felt the need to inject some positivity back into the world. At that point, I decided to write this post.

Its aim was to remind people that in spite of the result, there were things the UK could be proud of, no matter which part of the Leave/Remain divide you stand on.

July 7th 2017

The reason this is one of my favourites is because it marked a significant milestone for me.

When this page surpassed 10,000 views at the start of July this year, I was overwhelmed.

It was something I had spent over two years working towards and I felt so proud that all of that work had resulted in this unbelievable achievement.

9th March 2017

Without a doubt, this post is my favourite for many different reasons.

This post took longer than any other to write. I spent almost two weeks editing and rewording bits of it to get it exactly right before it was posted.

It is the most personal post I’ve ever written. I poured my heart into it and it reflects all of my emotions about myself that I had been feeling for a long time about coming out. For that, I think it is perhaps the most authentic post you will find on this page.

I had never really spoken about being LGBT+ online before, and it took a long time before I was comfortable enough to do so. It felt like such a relief when I finally felt happy and secure enough to be open about it with the world, particularly in the online world.

It has more views than any of my other posts. After putting so much into it, and with it being so personal, for people to show me as much support for it as they have is incredible.

There is so much love in my heart for this post because of what it means to me and that is why it is my favourite post ever.

What do you think of these posts?

You can let me know in the comments or on Twitter (@trentblogs) if you have any thoughts on these or any other posts I have put up on this page.

As is the case throughout the month of October, there will be another post for you to enjoy tomorrow, so keep an eye out for when that goes live. Until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
