My 2015

For me, 2014 was a rollercoaster. For me, it feels like the ups were few and far between whilst the downs seemed to dominate, resulting in my wishing to put the entire year behind me.
But, I have begun to think that maybe because I wasn’t really taking note of all of the positives of the year, it felt as though they weren’t really happening at all. It seems that because the negatives overshadowed the positives and took precedent in my life, I had no idea that there were good things happening.
At the end of December, I found a video on YouTube that inspired me to make a change for 2015. This guy had written down every positive thing that had happened to him throughout the year on bits of paper and placed them into a jar. For the video, he opened all of the notes and read them through as a sort of review of the year. I found this inspiring and it seemed like a perfect way to record just how many good things there are to look back on at the end of the year, no matter how negative the year has felt.
So, I embarked upon my own version, which is a box rather than a jar and is called ‘My 2015’. I admit, it took me a month to get started so I had to backdate on all of my achievements in January, but I am incredibly proud of just how many things there are in there already. For someone whose 2014 was so bad, this feels like a massive step on the road to making this year better than last.
Now I have started to feel more positive, I feel it is time to spread the positivity and this is why this blog has been created. I will be posting all sorts of ideas about things you can do if you’re going through a rough time or are feeling awful. Please do let me know if anything I post on here helps you, as it would be nice to have some feedback on this page.
That’s all for now, but do follow me on Twitter (@TrentBlogs) and Tumblr (trentwilsonblogs) to keep up with me and all of my future blog posts. Also, spread the love and tell your friends about this page, or simply leave a comment below.


Positive quote of the day
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”
