Blogtober: Blog Names

Hello again everyone, and welcome to day 3 of my Blogtober challenge. If you have missed my posts so far, you can catch up on the links down below:

Today, as blogging week continues, I wanted to talk a bit about names.

When creating a blog, choosing a name can be difficult and is sometimes a lengthy process, one which may involve several different options before finding the one which feels right. Before taking you through how I chose the names of my two blogs, I wanted to give you my top tips for coming up with a name for your blog.

Make it relevant to you in some way

For example, it might contain any of the following

-        A phrase or saying that you really believe in, such as “Live life to the full” or “Carpe Diem”

-        Your name, because after all you are its creator and many people feel more personally connected to something they’ve created if they put their own name on it.  

-        Your nickname, which reflects your personality a bit deeper than just your name and makes it more unique to you.

Make it catchy and easy to remember

-        A shorter or catchier name will stick in people’s minds

-        It makes it easier to refind, thus bringing more people back to your page later on

-        People are lazy, and are far more likely to enjoy reading a shorter title than a longer one

If you go through a lot of options, that’s fine

This is by far the most important tip I have when coming up with a blog name. Don’t rush it. if you find the name you want straight away, FINE. If it takes you ten tries before you find the right one for you, FINE. If you come up with a name and then decide later on that it wasn’t right and want to rebrand, FINE. Remember that behind all of this blog, at its heart, is its creator – YOU. Therefore, you have to make it work for YOU.

Now, for the second part of this, I wanted to go through how I came with the names for this blog and my other one.


When I began this blog back in February 2015, I had been in a dark place. I was recovering from a severe period of depression which had blighted me towards the end of 2014, and was trying to find ways to improve my life for the better.

I wanted to start simple, and try to introduce a little bit more positivity into my life, whilst reducing the negativity. When looking back at the blog I had prior to this one, I realised that its overall idea had been frustration and anger. I wanted to keep blogging, but not to focus on that negativity anymore. At that point, I made the decision to move on, start afresh and begin a brand-new blog which would never be negative. I vowed that no matter how negative things were, this page would only ever look at things from a positive perspective.

Therefore, when coming up with the name of this page, I combined two main elements which would be at its heart.

It would be a BLOG that would always, at its heart, STAY POSITIVE and never focus on the negative.

I have actually really grown to love the name over the last two and a half years and this page continues to keep negativity away and I choose to always look at the positives when writing my posts.


This blog is my latest project and has only been around for a little over a month.

The two main elements which went into deciding on the name were:

-        It is a book blog, where I write book reviews and share some of my favourite books with you guys

-        I want it to encourage others to recommend books to me and to each other

With these two ideas in mind, I decided to call it a book club, which is by definition, a place where people read, review, and recommend books to each other.

To add the personal touch, I added my name to it.

The result is that it is called Trent’s Book Club and I think it fits well with the content, message, and overall goal of the blog.

Do you have an interesting story behind your own blog name?

If you’d like to, you can share it down in the comments or on Twitter (@TrentBlogs). I’d love to hear some of the creative meanings behind your titles.

The next post in this blogging week is going up tomorrow, so keep an eye out for when that goes live and until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
