Blogtober: Reasons I Blog

Hello again everyone, and welcome to day 4 of my Blogtober challenge. If you have missed my posts so far, you can catch up on the links down below:

For today’s post, I am revisiting a post I put up on 6th August 2015 – over two years ago – all about why I blog. Since then, things have changed so much for me, both personally and in blogging terms, so I thought it would be good to go back and do this same post, but update it to suit where I am now. Below, I have put my reasons for blogging.


I have mentioned it so many times now, but I love writing, and want to make it my work at some point in the future, in one way or another. Be it as an author, a blogger, or getting a job which involves me using this passion of mine, this is ultimately what I would love to do with my life.

By blogging on a regular (ish) basis, I get to learn and practice skills which may be key for any potential future job as a writer, including editing, choice of vocabulary, and planning (the subject of tomorrow’s post).


One of the most amazing reasons why I continue to blog is the huge increase in self-confidence I have gained out of doing this.

I have become vastly more confident not only in my writing ability, but also in myself as a person since starting Stay Blogitive over 2 and a half years ago.

Seeing that people are reading what I have to say and following me on social media, and that the number of views and number of social media followers seem to be accelerating, has really changed my life and has made me love blogging more than I ever thought possible.


Since becoming a blogger three years ago, I have discovered that there are a huge number of people out there doing the same thing.

The blogging community is huge and diverse, with thousands of unique, amazing people who write about a wide variety of different topics. I feel so happy to be part of this community of creators and to be able to share my voice through this digital medium alongside all of these incredible people.


As I have already mentioned (in yesterday’s post), the aim when this blog began was to use it for positivity.

That is still such a core part of each and every post I write, and always will be. I have always tried to promote positive thinking by not focussing on the negative, and I will always try to keep my posts on a positive level. That is why, no matter what my post is about, it will always end on a positive note, always with the same positive message and by now, I shouldn’t need to tell you what that is, but…

That’s it then. Those are the reasons why I blog, updated for 2017.

What are the reasons you blog? Leave me a comment or Tweet me (@trentblogs) with your replies and I look forward to reading them.

Tomorrow, Blogging Week continues with a look at post planning. Look out for when that goes live, and until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
