Blogtober: Welcome to Blogtober

Hello everyone, and welcome to a brand new month.

This year, I have decided to do Blogtober, a blogging challenge which involves putting up a new post every day throughout the month of October.

First of all, I want to take you through my main reasons for doing this challenge.

I haven’t blogged regularly in a while, so I want to try to get back into the swing of things and find my feet gain as a blogger.

I love doing themed months, and I relish the challenge they give me. Successfully pulling them off also gives me a huge confidence boost in my ability as a writer.

I want to try a new blogging challenge. In the past, I have done my own theme months and Blogmas, but never tried Blogtober.

There are going to be lots of other bloggers out there doing this challenge, and I want to feel part of the community of creators who are taking it on. (By the way, if you are doing this challenge, let me know on Twitter because I would love to read some of your posts.)

Now, I am just going to tell you a little bit about what to expect over the next 31 days.


Starting tomorrow, the first week will be dedicated to posts all about blogging.

WEEK TWO (9th – 15th): LGBT+ WEEK

The second week of the month will be LGBT+ week. I’ll be writing about LGBT+ related issues and my experiences as an LGBT+ person.


I’ll be carrying on my Wanderlust series in the third week. I’ll be talking about seven places from across the world that I want to travel to.


As a passionate linguist, I am really looking forward to the last week of the month when I’ll be talking all things languages.

Monday 30th: Things I love about Autumn

Tuesday 31st: October Favourites

And that is the breakdown of what the next four weeks will involve. I hope you’ll enjoy this journey and find something you like in amongst all of the different topics I’ll be writing about this month. It is going to be so much fun and I am really excited to do this challenge.

Blogging week begins tomorrow so keep an eye out for the first post when it goes live. Until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
