Blogtober: Writer's Block

Hello again everyone, and welcome to day 7 of my Blogtober challenge. If you have missed any posts so far, you can catch up on the links down below:

For today’s post, I wanted to talk a bit about a problem I, and I’m sure many other bloggers, face on a regular basis – writer’s block.

There are so many times when I want to write, and am so motivated to do so, but one of the following ends up happening.

I cannot think of an idea to write about

If I have an idea, I don’t seem to be able to write about it

If I do end up being able to write, it doesn’t feel quite right so I delete it (several times in some cases)

This can be such a frustrating thing, especially if you have committed to something, such as a blogging challenge and/or you’re trying but failing to meet a deadline. Not only do you get frustrated but it can totally sap your motivation and self-esteem which in turn drives your ability to write even further down.

I have over the years developed techniques to reduce or get past writer’s block, some of which I have put below.

Jot your ideas down

I don’t know how I would be able to write any of my blogposts without the use of spider diagrams to get all of my ideas put down somewhere.

If you think there isn’t much to write about, try doing a spider and just see how much there really is to write about. Also, you only have to write a few sentences on each branch of the spider which makes it much easier to write a full text. After all, it is going to be a lot easier to do lots of smaller sections than fewer larger ones.

Plan and write well ahead

What this does is allow you to write when you’re ready rather than trying to force yourself to write when you have block.

I wouldn’t be able to pull of challenges like Blogtober if it weren’t for forward planning and writing weeks in advance. I don’t mind admitting that there are days or weeks when I’m either lacking motivation (or in some cases too busy) to write and so I leave it for another day when I know I can deliver my best. I would much prefer to take a week off and write a week later and have it be the best it can be than write it when I’m not ready and to deliver content of a far lower quality.

Doing things ahead of time also reduces the pressure on you if you have a deadline to stick to, which brings me on to my next point…

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

If you don’t feel like writing, don’t put pressure on yourself to do it.

Stressing yourself out and putting the pressure on to do something WON’T make it happen, so take your time, take it easy, and be relaxed about it.

Those are some of my main writer’s block tips.

If you have any techniques you use, I would love to hear them. You can leave me a comment or let me know on Twitter (@TrentBlogs) if you want to share them.

The last post of Blogging Week is going up tomorrow so keep an eye out for when that goes live. Until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!  
