Blogtober: My One Blogging Tip

Hello again everyone, and welcome to day 8 of my Blogtober challenge. If you have missed any posts so far, you can catch up on the links down below:

Today, as the last part of blogging week, I wanted to give you one piece of advice about blogging that I always try to follow for myself when writing my own content.

For me, there is one thing which your blog should always be.

There is one rule, one idea, one concept that you must follow if you are a blogger.

It should be found in every aspect of your blog, from your header to the images you use, from your post ideas to your post titles, from the layout of your blog to your social media pages.

This one thing should govern absolutely everything you do and you should always try and ensure you are looking after it and that it shows on your blog.

Above everything else, this should define who you are and how you come across on your blog.

That concept, my friends is…

Your blog, and everything about it, should reflect YOU.

What you write about should be what YOU want to write about and not necessarily what is popular or what will get higher numbers of views. I’m not saying that you can’t enjoy writing posts on popular topics, but it is better if these are things that YOU are passionate about.

If you are unhappy with something such as your social media headings, your blog name, or the kind of content you are posting, and want to change it, do it. You should never feel guilty about making changes to YOUR page because, after all, you are its creator and you have the right to do what feels right for you.

At times, your life may get in the way of blogging and you may be unable to post because of mental/physical/life reasons. In these moments, you should take care of yourself before your blog and don’t put yourself under pressure to post if YOU need to take some time for yourself. For example, I have had a lot going on this summer and have posted almost nothing. I needed to take some time away from writing to get myself together and prioritise my own wellbeing so that I could come back stronger. You should NEVER feel guilty for taking breaks of days/weeks/months or missing posts you’ve previously promised. Yes, your blog is important, but so are YOU and if you need some time off your readers WILL understand that.

In essence, what I am saying is that your priority should always be YOU and you are far more important than anything else when it comes to blogging and to life.

What do you think of this?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, which you can leave in the comments or on my Twitter (@TrentBlogs).

With that, blogging week has come to an end.

Tomorrow is the start of LGBT+ week on this page, and I’m super excited about it! Keep an eye out for when the first part of that goes live tomorrow and until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
