Blogtober: Types of Blog

Hello again everyone, and welcome to day 2 of my first ever Blogtober challenge! If you haven’t seen yesterday’s introduction to this month and what to expect then check it out here.

Today, I kick off week one (with all posts about blogging) by talking through some of the different types of blog which exist on the internet.

When starting a blog, it can be difficult at first to know what to blog ABOUT considering there is so much in the way of possibility. Below, I have put just some of these many potential subjects you can start a blog about to give you some idea of the range of blogs that are out there and to maybe inspire some of you to start your own.


Fashion blogs are one of the most popular types. Subjects covered may include

-        Hauls from certain stores

-        Try-ons from certain stores

-        Reviews of latest trends reviews of fashion at events such as New York Fashion Week


Another of the most common types of blog is the beauty blog. Beauty bloggers may talk about these sorts of things

-        Make up reviews

-        “How to” posts about hair/make-up

-        Favourite hair/make-up brands


Travel blogs are without a doubt my favourite blogs to read. As someone who suffers from a syndrome known as “high wanderlust, low funds”, it really pleases me to hear about some of the wonderful places this world has to offer. Post topics may include

-        Places I have been to

-        Places I want to travel to

-        Travel tips


Music is something that is part of all of our lives, so it is really no surprise that there are so many blogs about it to discover. Amongst the options to post about, you may find the following.

-        Album reviews

-        Song reviews

-        Favourite songs countdowns (cough cough!)


Some of the most divisive blogs out there deal with political issues. These are often about divisive, sometimes controversial topics and tend to attract quite a bit of attention, not all of it necessarily positive.

-        Offering a biased/unbiased opinion on a current political issue (such as immigration, the EU, Donald Trump)

-        Where you stand on a political issue

-        Responding to a political event (such as elections, referendums, new laws being passed)


Another powerful type of blog is the mental health blog, where people are often very honest about their own psychological issues.

-        Tips to actively improve your mental health

-        An honest account of the struggle of dealing with certain mental health issues

-        Educative pieces about mental health conditions that might not be well-known about


I am always searching out food tips and recipes online to try out (even though I rarely get time to make them) and it is something I can guarantee you plenty of other people look for when they want to try something new.

-        Recipes

-        Reviews of food outlets

-        Favourite dishes


Another side of our modern world which has its ups and its downs is the obsession with health and being healthy. Many bloggers share their health tips online as well as other health-based issues, including

-        Gym progress photos

-        What not to eat for a healthy lifestyle

-        Exercise tips


This is a subject I recently ventured into for my second blog. Books and reading are still incredibly popular and it isn’t uncommon for people to look for recommendations of books to read as well as reviews.

-        Book reviews

-        Book recommendations

-        Favourite books/authors you’ve ever read


The last one I want to talk about is the photography blog. These are places for budding you photographers to share their works and gauge people’s views on what they have done.

-        Tips for taking the best photos

-        The equipment used to take photos

-        Latest photos

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the types of blogs there are out there. And, let’s not forget that you do not have to stick to just one of these subjects if you want to do a mixture of them as part of finding your own niche. I myself have written about a number of subjects over the last two and a half years of this page and am perfectly happy doing just that. Or, you could start a blog about something new that perhaps not many people have ever written blogs about.

Let me know in the comments or on Twitter (@trentblogs) about some of the other types of blogs out there and if you would like, you can leave me the links to your blogs as well so that I can discover some new content and creators to follow.

The next post will of course be up tomorrow as my Blogtober event continues, so do keep an eye out for that. Until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
