Wanderlust: Brighton

Hello again everyone. I hope you’re all doing well and loving life right now.

Today I’m bringing you the second in my Wanderlust series, all about the places I want to travel to.

Those of you who have been supporting me for a long time may remember that my third ever post on this page (nearly two and a half years ago) was about my trip to Brighton. Ever since then, it has been a place I have really wanted to return to, and here are my five reasons why it is such a beautiful place to visit.

The fact that Brighton is a seaside town is one of its major selling points and is why it has grown into such a popular, vibrant city. I don’t get many chances to visit the coast and so when I do, it is always such a fantastic experience which takes me back to being a child.

In case you hadn’t realised, the photo I use as my profile picture on this page and my social media was taken on Brighton beach on that trip two and a half years ago, as was the header photo to this blog! Considering it was early March, it was such a beautiful day and the photos turned out really well.

There are so many piers all around the UK coastline, and Brighton Pier (previously known as Palace Pier) is one of the most famous, and one of the most stunning.

Fish and chips, fairground rides, and an amusement arcade. What more could you want from a seaside pier than that?

Originally built as a seaside retreat for King George IV in the late 1800s, Brighton Pavilion is a beautiful landmark. Its construction is unusual to find in royal residences in Britain, making this a unique building indeed. Its location near to the seafront and beautiful surrounding gardens make this an incredible place to visit and I hope to be able to explore this a bit more on my next visit to the city.

Brighton is known for its high number of residents who identify as LGBT+ and is seen as a safe space for many within the community. During the weekend I spent there, I saw more same-sex couples holding hands in public than I have seen in my near five years living in Birmingham (apart from when it’s Pride of course). It was so heart-warming and I hope that one day this will be something I see everywhere, and that it will become a more common occurrence as the world becomes a more accepting place. For now, though, thank you Brighton for giving our community the safe place it needs. Keep being proud!
5. Choccywoccydoodah

The last thing I want to mention is the famous chocolate shop, Choccywoccydoodah, made famous in the TV series.

If you’re a lover of chocolate, then you will love the range of creations on offer. These include things like chocolate animals, to chocolate popcorn, and some really incredible-looking decadent cakes. I bought a huge slab of white chocolate-covered popcorn when I was there and it was one of the most heavenly things I have ever tasted.

Although it takes quite a bit of finding due to it being in a tight backlane, and despite that the shop itself is tiny, this wonderland of confectionery is well worth a visit, and will definitely be on my itinerary when I go back to Brighton.

And so, there you go. Those are my five reasons to visit Brighton, but if you have any more you want to suggest, you can leave them for me in the comments. Alternatively, my social media links are in the left-hand sidebar if you want to message me.

Hope you enjoyed this post, and until next time, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
