My Vision Board

Hello again everyone.

My last post was about vision boards, the reasons behind making them, and the process involved in creating one of your own.

Today’s post is the follow-up where I show you my finished VB before going through each of my goals to give you an idea of what a vision board can be.  

First off, here is the final result. I am really pleased with how it turned out and it makes a great new decoration for my room.

When it came to my goals, I decided to divide them into 4 categories: Blogging, Uni, Travel, and Personal, and then set two or three in each of these areas.


250 posts


See blogging goals for 2017 for more about both of these.

Collab with other bloggers

There is such a huge blogging community out there with some amazing content creators and I would love to connect with it some more, and get to work with other bloggers. If you are interested in collaborating with me and possibly writing a guest post for this page, you can get in touch via my social media links in the sidebar on the left.


Considering I am nearing the end of my time at university, these are the things I suppose I should be targeting at this stage. I will be offering an update on my final year later this month when I upload my next End of an Era post, so keep an eye out for that.


A list of my remaining assignments, which I can tick off as I complete them.



This is a part of the UK I have a huge longing to visit. Having not been since I was 6, I would love to get the chance to explore Scotland. It is a fascinating place with a fascinating history and some beautiful scenery too.


Having been to France twice last year, I would love to go back again. However, this time, I want to visit somewhere else in this massive country, after going back to the same place on both occasions. I think I might quite like to go to the south coast and see France’s Mediterranean shores which would make a nice change from the temperate centre of the country where I went last year.


It is fair to say that going to Canada is a goal, but moving there is a DREAM of mine. I have always wanted to visit this beautiful part of the world, but only recently have I begun to consider the possibility of living and working there as a possibility. To me, if I can make a move to Canada happen, it really would be a dream come true for me. I am going to write about this more in my next EoaE post.


Write a book

I would love to have a career as a writer in the future, and writing my first full book would go a long way to making this happen.

Learn to swim

Unfortunately, I haven’t found the time to learn to swim just yet, but I hope to do so over the summer as this has been a long-term target of mine and to finally achieve it would be amazing.

Achieve a more positive state of mental health

This involves practicing a lot more self-care and becoming a lot more confident in myself, two things I am working hard to achieve. I believe that mental health is something which takes priority over all other areas of your life, whatever they may be, and that a positive outlook on life will make you feel so much better, which is why I always write Keep Believing at the end of every post.

And, if you’re a regular follower of mine, you’ll know that I have set myself other goals for both my 23rd birthday and for the end of 2017, but the ones on my VB are not restricted to a timescale.

So, that is my vision board.

I was inspired to invest time in making a vision board after reading this post a few months ago, so a huge thankyou goes to Leta for being the inspiration for both the VB itself and for these two posts.

As ever, feel free to get in touch on my social media links (now on the sidebar) if you want to share your thoughts on this post, or to share your VB pics with me. I would love to hear from you guys.

Until next time, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
