50 great things about the UK

Hello again everyone!

So, this past few days has been a whirlwind here in the UK, following the result of the EU referendum, which has caused untold turmoil both here and across Europe. Resignations, uncertainty, and a chain reaction of fallout which has caused a domino effect of massive changes.

However, one of the key things I have always tried to stick to with this blog is to make sure it is true to its name, and is a place of positivity. For this reason, I have decided to write a list of 50 great things about the UK to show the world that the outcome of Thursday’s vote, regardless of the result, does not affect the fact that this country has a lot it can be proud of.

Doctor Who

Being a massive fan, there was no way I wasn’t going to include this!

Stephen Hawking

Fish & Chips


When I say football, I mean football, as in what we British people consider to be real football. Some of you are weird and call it soccer, but it is DEFINITELY football!

William Shakespeare


We may moan about it, but it is a fantastic, well-functioning system. It is such a privilege to have free healthcare which is available to all, something most countries around the world would love to have. 

HG Wells

The Beatles

Benedict Cumberbatch


George Orwell

David Bowie

Now sadly no longer with us, there are few who would disagree that he has made an enormous contribution to music, and inspired so many artists not just here in Britain, but around the world. A legend sorely missed, who we should all be proud of.

Fawlty Towers

JRR Tolkien

Lord of the Rings


Yorkshire puddings

Harry Potter

The most famous wizard of all time is a British icon, and is now one of the most famous fictional characters of all time.

JK Rowling

And the genius who created him is definitely a national treasure for doing so.

Queen (the band)

Charles Dickens



Stephen Fry


Keep Calm and Carry On

James Bond



Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes

The English Language

The vast range of accents and dialects

Nowhere else in the world is there such a wide spectrum of accents and dialects on such a small set of islands.

The late Alan Rickman

Sir Elton John

Roald Dahl

One of my inspirations, and a personal hero of mine. Such an inspiration to many, and his legacy should be celebrated even more this year, which would have been his 100th birthday (I’ll be doing posts on this later in the year.)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I couldn’t mention Dahl without talking about his greatest creation. The story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is now known and loved by children around the world, as well as the adults who have grown up with this story.

Charles Darwin

One Direction

Sir David Attenborough


This country has so much natural beauty. We have some of the finest country landscapes in the world, as well as the beautiful mountains in the Highlands and in Snowdonia in Wales. Not only that, but there aren’t many countries who can claim to have as few lethal creatures as the UK does.

Baked Beans

The British sense of humour

This is a trait of the British rarely understood by others, but our taste for poor puns and innuendo are amongst the things which make our comedy so brilliant.

Equal Marriage

The right to marry is one which should be granted to all, regardless of sexual orientation, race or gender. Since 2014, this has been a right granted to most UK citizens (Northern Ireland continues to fight it for some reason). I, for one, am proud to live in a country where any citizens are granted this right.

Rowan Atkinson

One of the finest comedy writers and actors that Britain has ever produced. He has provided some of the most iconic comedy characters of all time, two of which I’ve listed below.

Mr Bean


Sir Isaac Newton

Alan Turing


The diversity of this fantastic nation, with all of its different kinds of people, is definitely a positive thing. There are those who claim that this diversity is killing the country, but I wholeheartedly disagree and can only see the positives in it. I love meeting people of all different religions, races, genders, and cultures, and I find that it has taught me how to be tolerant and loving towards others regardless of differences between us. After all, our differences define us as much as our similarities.

On that note, we have reached the end of this list. I am sure there are many other things which the UK can be proud of that aren’t here, and I would love to hear any suggestions you have. You can leave a comment at the end of this post, or you can contact me on all of my social media links which are in the colourful little table below. Until next time, keep calm (and carry on), keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!

