
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about family. Over the last few years, I’ve had a lot of issues with people who are supposed to be my family which I won’t go too much into because they are very personal and I’m not sure how comfortable I am putting that sort of information out there on the internet.

However, these problems have made me really think about what the word family means to me. I thought about how I’ve had much more support and guidance from friends of mine over the years than I have got from people I am related to in blood. Whilst going over this in my head, I began to realise that actually, family is more than blood. Family is about supporting you through your best times and your worst and still sticking with you. It’s about helping you when things are bad and experiencing the better times with you. It’s about being happy and laughing with you as well as offering you a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear if you ever need it.

So, that means that to me, my friends ARE part of my family. They have watched me grow and change. They have laughed with me and been there when I needed someone to listen. They’ve supported me and guided me through some of the most challenging times of my life.

I feel as though it is because of this that I have formed my own definition of family as those people who do all of the above and see you through everything. In addition, family IS NOT defined by blood, as anyone who can do all of these things for you should be a part of your own personal family.

Based on all of this, here is my definition.

Family is not defined by blood, but by love.

That’s all for this post. Let me know what you think by following me on all of my social media (links below) and leaving me a comment and remember keep supporting people, keep listening and above all keep believing.


Quote of the day

“My friends are my family” Sir Ian McKellen 

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