10,000 views: The Journey

Two and a half years ago, a journey began.

I set out on this journey with no expectations. I had no set goal in mind. I had no idea where exactly I wanted to go with it. All I knew at that time was that this was the path I was going to take and just see where it led me.

Since that first post went up on February 10th 2015, this blog has come a long way. The road to where it is now has not been an easy one. At times, I have wanted to stop. There have been moments when I have felt like giving up. There have been days when I have been on the verge of quitting, because I just didn’t see a reason to carry on with this page. Thankfully, I persevered.

I have persevered through all of the procrastination, all of the writer’s block, all of the “deleting what I’ve just written because it doesn’t sound right” moments, in order to get this blog to the point it has reached.  

As time went on, I posted more and more, and amazing things started to happen.

Firstly, I improved. I got better at organising and planning my posts. I got better at writing them. I got better at promoting them and using social media in the best way I could.

Secondly, because I improved, the following I had grew. Each post started to get more and more traffic, and my social media following got bigger and bigger.

Thirdly, as this page grew, I became more confident. And, of course, the increase in confidence is what kept me motivated to carry on posting.

And all of that has led to this moment, the moment when I can say the following.


It is an overwhelming feeling to hit this huge milestone.

I want to say a massive thankyou to every single person who has ever taken the time to visit this site. Whether you have been here for two and a half years or have just stumbled across this page right now, you are what has got Stay Blogitive to where it is. Without you, this would not have been possible.

I’m going to finish this post, as I always do, with two simple words, which seem more appropriate than ever when put at the end of this post.

No matter what your dream, no matter how far-fetched and unachievable it may seem. No matter if everyone else dismisses it as impossible, or tells you to scale back on what you want because you will never achieve it. No matter what goal(s) you have, no matter if you are the only one who believes you can do it.

Remember that anything is possible, as long as you keep these two words in your head.
