Blogtober: Pride!

Hello again everyone, and welcome back to week 2 of my Blogtober challenge. If you missed any of the posts that have gone up so far, you can catch up on the links down below:
Today I wanted to talk about Pride.
To begin with, I’m going to talk about the experience of my first ever Pride.
The first Pride I went to was in 2015.
Having never been before, and seeing as I would be not only attending, but also WALKING in the parade, I was both excited and nervous about it. I had never been so open about being an LGBT person and to put this part of me on display for the whole world to see terrified me quite a bit.
Going into that weekend, I had no idea what to expect. Boy, was I in for a surprise.
So many things happened across those three days which led to its being one of the most memorable experiences of my whole life.
I was so surprised about the number of famous acts that I got to see live in the music tent. For a ticket that was around £30, I got to see the likes of Miss Dynamite, Heather Small, and Union J amongst others.
In amongst all of the other forms of entertainment to be found at Pride, there is always a number of fairground rides to satisfy the child within all of us.
This is the night-life side of the weekend and is always a highlight. If nightclubs, music, and dancing are your thing then this is definitely for you.
It has become a (sort of) tradition for me to stay in the club until closing on the Sunday night into Monday morning. I fight off tiredness to keep going and see out the final hours of Pride, emerging into the rising daylight after the club closes.  
When attending my first Pride, what shocked me most was the number of people who were there.
Year on year the amount of people who turn up to celebrate and show pride in their identity increases. It is so amazing that we live in a time when we can openly express who we are in such a public manner without fear of judgement, persecution, or prosecution.
And last but certainly not least, we have to talk about colour.
With the rainbow flag and stripes at the heart of the celebration, there is so much colour everywhere you look. Red, orange, yellow, green. blue, indigo, violet all help us to celebrate our identities in a bright, vibrant, powerful way and I LOVE IT!
The rainbow and its range of colours are designed to represent all of the resilience, strength, and power of every person in our community and the huge sense of self-pride we all get from attending these events and flying our flag.
What are your favourite things about Pride?
Do you have any Pride stories/traditions?
If you’d like to share them, you can do so by commenting below or Tweeting me (@TrentBlogs).
Until my next post, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
