Trent's Tracks May 7th

Hello again everyone and welcome to the first ever Trent’s Tracks on a Saturday.

Today’s song is from an artist who isn’t as well-known as some of the others on this list, but can nonetheless produce amazing music like this (and the point of this list is to share the best music with you from both the well-known, and the lesser known artists of the world). I am someone who encourages as much positivity and self-love as possible, particularly when it comes to this page, and the lyrics of this song match that idea perfectly in my view. It is all about telling yourself that you are beautiful and worth it, no matter who you are.

So, I give you Gary Go, with Wonderful.

Gary Go


As always, feel free to follow me on social media or comment below your thoughts on this track. There will be another Trent’s Tracks tomorrow, so until then, keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!
