Stress relief during exam season

Welcome to the 4th day of this exams month, and the third post about personal health, which focusses on stress and stress relief.

Today I wanted to focus on this topic, because high levels of stress can lead to a multitude of other health problems, from psychological conditions like depression, to physical conditions like headaches, and it is important to have techniques for dealing with it.

Without a doubt in my mind, these weeks are the most stressful time of the year for anyone in the education system, and it is unusual not to be feeling under some sort of pressure. However, as has been the message all throughout this personal health week, it is important to remember to look after yourself throughout this exam season, and to not sacrifice your health for the sake of getting good results. Below, I have given my top tips for relieving exam stress.

·         Take regular breaks. It gives your brain a rest and you will be able to take in far more information and be more focussed if you regularly give yourself a rest and are not studying for too long at a time.

·         If you are panicking or feel as though you aren’t taking anything in, STOP WORKING IMMEDIATELY and come back to it later. This goes hand-in-hand with what I said above but if you are finding it stressful, your body is telling you that you need to stop and take a break.

·         Do something you enjoy. This can be a TV show, YouTube channel, book, or a hobby. Just because it is exam season, it doesn’t mean you have to give up doing the things you love. In fact, during times when you are going to be under pressure, it is more important than ever to maintain your hobbies to give you a boost, and so that you have something to look forward to during your breaks.

·         Talk to other people. Maintaining a social life can be difficult over the exam period but it is very useful to keep up with your friends whenever possible. Isolating yourself will do you no good at all, and being around friends can give you a much needed break and morale boost to spur you on to do well. If you have friends who are going through the same stresses you are, it is also good to know you’re not alone in how you’re feeling, and you can share ideas and techniques on how to deal with any issues you may have.

And there we go. Please don’t let yourself get too stressed out! As ever, you can comment or get in touch via my social media if you need any further advice, or if you need someone to talk to. All of those links are below. I have another post coming up tomorrow, and every single day this month so look out for those. Until tomorrow, keep relaxed, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!

