Revision Techniques

Hello all! Welcome back to exams month, and to this week of revision-themed posts.

Today and tomorrow, I’m going to be talking about different ways of revising for your exams. It is important to remember that there are many different techniques out there and it is a good idea to try out different ones to find the right method which really works for you.


Post-it notes are really useful when it comes to revision for so many reasons. You can use them to set yourself a reminder of what you need to get done, you can use them as bookmarks so that you can easily re-find something you read before, or you can even use them as jotting paper if you need to make calculations. However, by far the most useful thing you can do with them is to write facts or snippets of information on them, which you can then stick up everywhere around your bedroom or house, in places where you will notice them. Walking past them and reading the information every day during your routine is a very effective method of learning what you need to know, without really knowing that you are doing it.


Although these are less for revision and more for oral presentations, I highly recommend their use as a way of breaking down large amounts of information into more manageable chunks. Having things split up in this way makes it easier to learn because it makes the information seem a lot less than it is.


Until my GCSEs, I had an absolute hatred for spider diagrams (or brainstorms as some people call them) because I couldn’t work with them, and they were too messy for my liking. However, I discovered how great they can be at organising a lot of information and breaking it down into categories, particularly when you have so much information to revisit.

In fact, I now use them not only for revision and essay planning, but also for planning out my blogposts, because they help me get things in order and formulate a clearer idea of what each post is going to be about.

Those are all of the techniques I’m going to talking about today, BUT I am going to be doing a part two tomorrow as part of this week on revision, so be sure to follow me on any of the social media links below to keep up to date with when that post goes up. Also, I would like to hear your thoughts on any of the methods above in the comments.

Until tomorrow, keep working, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!
