Blogmas 2016: E
again everyone and welcome back to Blogmas 2016. For the letter E, I thought I
would give you my long awaited next End of an Era post. I haven’t updated since
the end of September, and a lot has happened since then for me to fill you in
may recall that one of my major worries before the start of term was the
thought of having to do my dissertation. At the time, I thought that I would
end up having to do two, due to the fact that I am doing a Joint Honours
degree. However, I found out not long after starting term that I would only
have to do ONE, and that I could choose which side of my degree I did it on.
Obviously, this was a great relief, and in spite of the huge amount of work I
knew I would have to do, it felt good to know that it would be half the amount
I originally thought it would be.
then got the opportunity to go back to France to carry out the research for my
project. Since I came back from my placement year in June, I had been itching
to go back, so when my supervisor suggested this as part of my project, I was
absolutely over the moon. Returning to a place I loved so much when I was there
was incredible, and I had an amazing week being back there and having the
chance to explore it a bit more (when I wasn’t working of course).
is still a long way to go with my dissertation, but I have now got the ball
rolling, and am progressing with it.
far as my other work goes, there is an awful lot to do.
have three, yes THREE, assignments due in in January, which means my Christmas
holiday is going to be quite busy. Whilst this is going to be stressful, I know
that having more essays now because I chose to do more modules this term will
leave me with more time next term to finish off my dissertation. So, I think
that although it is difficult right now, it will turn out to be a smart choice
in the new year when there won’t be as many other things to work on and my
disso can be my main focus.
term has been quite stressful, and at times this has resulted in disagreements
with some of my lecturers, who don’t always seem to realise that I have other
modules to do work for, and that this can make things really tough. Although
these issues have been resolved quite quickly, the anxiety they gave me made things
that bit more difficult than they needed to be.
welcome relief to all of the stress this year has been my role as president of
the Doctor Who Society at my uni.
this opportunity, I have had something brilliant to look forward to each week,
no matter how tough that week was. I love every minute of this role, and I am
enjoying it so much. I have met some amazing new people as well, not just those
who come to meetings, but also through liaising with other societies in my position
as president.
am blown away by how much I love doing this, and have every intention of
carrying on with it.
though it feels like it might be a bit too early to think about what will come
after graduation next July, I have begun the process of deciding what the next
step is. There may be plenty of time left until I finish, but I would like to
secure something, or at the very least have an idea of which direction I’m
heading in, for the sake of having peace of mind ha I’m not going to be left
with nothing, or with something I don’t really want.
should mention that at this stage I am not entirely sure what I want to do, so
my options are quite open still. However, I wanted to discuss one potential
avenue on here because it is a prospect I am really excited about.
talking to a careers advisor, I mentioned that I have a passion for blogging.
She then proceeded to talk me through a number of different possible careers
related to blogging. Up until she did this, I was unaware of just how many
opportunities this little hobby of mine could lead to, and that this is
something I could do professionally! So, thanks to this page, and thanks to you
guys, I could have a career in blogging or professional writing, which would be
it’s time to move on to what’s happened in my life as far as blogging is
concerned since my last EoaE update.
only did this page pass 6,000 views in October, it then broke through the 7,000
mark at the end of November. I still cannot believe that this thing I created
at the start of last year has got to this point and I am incredibly grateful to
all of you for what you’ve helped me achieve in such a short space of time.
cannot believe it, but next Friday (December 16th) this term will be
over and it will be the Christmas holidays. These three months have gone by so
quickly, and we are now just a few weeks away from saying goodbye to 2016.
now, I am feeling so festive as the holidays approach. I am just super excited
for Christmas this year, and being able to relax (at least for a bit) and enjoy
being at home. I also have Blogmas which I am super happy to be doing for the
second year in a row, and that I hope you guys are enjoying so far. (I will
catch up eventually on all of the posts I’ve missed in the last few days).
that is what has been going on in my life this term. As ever, I am going to
leave you my social media if you want to DM or send me your thoughts on any of
my posts. The F post will be up soon, so look out for that. Until then, though,
keep festive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
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