Blogmas 2016: D

Hello again all and welcome to Part D of Blogmas 2016, which will be all about the Doctor Who Christmas Special.


Doctor Who’s annual Christmas special is a huge event for me and millions of other Whovians around the world, and has become an integral part of Christmas itself. Whilst everyone else has the thing that they want to watch in our house on Christmas Day, this is my show, my thing if you like. Not only does it give me something to look forward to for the 25th, it also bridges the gap between the series, the last of which was over a year ago, and the next of which is in April (MOFFAT!).

Now, down to this year’s special itself. You can view the clips released so far on the links below, otherwise what I say next might not make much sense.

Children in Need clip:

I have to admit that when I first saw what this episode was going to be about, it filled me with dread.

Firstly, what is with the ridiculous title? I know that in some parts of the world, Doctor Who is known as Doctor Mysterio but I feel as though this is a cheesy name for an episode, and not quite what I’d expect.

I am also not a huge fan of the idea of bringing superheroes into the Whoniverse, as it just doesn’t feel like it fits with what Doctor Who is all about. Maybe it will prove to somehow be linked to time and space in the same way that conventional and PROPER episodes of Doctor Who should be. In a way, it just seems like the show’s creators are catering to what is current, with so many new superhero movies out in recent years. Superheroes are somewhat trendy right now and I feel like this is the driving force behind this episode, rather than writing a good episode of the show we all know and love.

Rest assured, I do have something positive to say about this episode. I think that perhaps deviating from the standard kind of story we are used to will make this episode unique. Particularly over the last few years, some of the stories have been lacking in individuality, and I myself have been crying out at times for a bit of uniqueness or just for something a bit different to the standard episodes.  

As a dedicated Whovian, I shall watch despite my scepticism because I will never give up on Doctor Who. I am committed to staying part of this fandom no matter what happens.

I will be writing a review of the episode which will be up on the 27th December, so you have that to look forward to.

Thank you for reading. If you want to give me your opinions on this post or anything else I’ve posted about, you can leave a comment or message me on any of my social media links which are in the colourful table below.

Until the next post, keep festive, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!

