B.E.D.A 2018: Day One

Hello everyone, and welcome to April (have we seriously entered the fourth month of 2018 already).


As you’ve probably already seen from the title and the header picture, this is part one of a month-long blogging challenge called BEDA (Blogging Every Day in April). I’ve attempted so many of these challenges in the past and failed, but that just makes me more determined than ever to complete it this time around.

Each post is going to be in three parts.

One – This will be the main content part of the post and I’m going to be covering quite a few interesting subjects over this challenge, some of which I haven’t really blogged about before.

Two – Inspirational or motivational quotes on the light-up message board I bought for myself recently, along with a bit of explanation as to what that particular quote means to me.

Three – Last year, in April, I counted down my favourite songs from 2007 (a decade on) and this year, I am doing the same again, but for 2008. However, this time, it’s bigger and better, because instead of a top 40, I will be counting down the top sixty. That’s right, my sixty favourite songs from 2008, counted down two a day throughout this month. Bring on the ’08 nostalgia!

So, there is a lot of content heading your way over the next thirty days, but it should be a wonderful challenge to myself and I hope there will be something you find interesting!


This is the first of my thirty inspo quotes and here’s why I’ve decided to include it.

As said above, I have tried so many times to complete these kinds of daily blogging challenges and not seen them through. In spite of these “failures”, I will still continue to challenge myself on this and in other aspects of my life.

The idea for me is that I will not let my previous “failings” stop me from pushing myself forward and getting up and trying again. It is so important to me that I set myself these goals which are just slightly more challenging because I will always feel a sense of achievement, even if I don’t quite finish what I set out to do. I set myself the challenge and will keep setting myself challenging goals because constantly putting myself out of my comfort zone is what will eventually help me grow as a blogger and as a person.


Let’s kick off my musical marathon through the epic year that was 2008 with songs 60 and 59 on the list.

In the days before she became the worldwide superstar that she is today, nobody knew who Adele was. This is the song that launched her ten years ago, her debut single – chasing Pavements.

At 59, Boyzone reformed in 2008 after nearly a decade of hiatus. This was the second of their new tracks since getting back together, and it broke new ground as the first song by a boyband to feature a same-sex couple in the video (although it seems strange to thin that it took until ten years ago for this to happen) and on top of that, it is a beautiful, yet not well-known track. This is “Better”.


Chasing Pavements



And that is it for day 1 of BEDA 2018. If you’d like to keep up to date with me, you can do so via my social media platforms (links are in the sidebar ß) and I hope you will look forward to tomorrow’s post.

Until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing.
