B.E.D.A 2018: Day Thirteen

Hello again all, and welcome to day 13 of BEDA 2018. Frug Friday: My initial reaction As promised last week, I am going to carry on today with my Frug Friday series, where I talk about my dog. Today’s post is about my initial reactions and how I felt about my dog at the beginning. I’ll admit that due to the problems I’d had with dogs throughout my life, I was not best pleased when I found out we were getting one. I was old enough and sensible enough to acknowledge that it wasn’t really my decision and I couldn’t tell my family what to do, no matter how much I didn’t want to have a dog in my life. I was convinced that I would only ever tolerate him, and that he would never be a close companion of mine. The idea, as far as I was concerned, was to keep my distance where possible and let the dog bond with everyone else but me. But in those first few weeks, I spent time with him and got close to him and came to realise that he was one of the sweetest, most loyal an...