My 2018: Going Shirtless in Public

Hello again everyone.

Following on from yesterday’s post about learning to swim, I wanted to talk about one of my other goals for this year, which links to it in a lot of ways.


Yes, this may seem like a strange goal, but let me explain a bit more about why this is so important for me.

I don’t know if I’ve ever gone into detail about this before on this page, but I have a serious lack of body confidence. It has held me back on so many levels, to the point where there are certain things I haven’t done for a long time because my issues with my body have been so severe.

One of those is taking my shirt off in public.

On hot days, I have simply sweated it out because I was unable to bring myself to show my body to the world. It just gave me such bad anxiety to even think of not wearing my shirt in any public place.

What’s worse is that for years I didn’t even realise how bad it was. It’s only the last few years that it’s become apparent just how much of a problem my body issues are.

So, as one of my goals this year, I want to work on my body confidence.

I have set myself the target of getting confident enough to be topless in public at some point in 2018. I don’t yet know when I will be ready, but I hope that in the summer I will be able to stand on a beach sans shirt and not feel anywhere near as self-conscious as I have done up to now.

That’s it for today. If you want to share your thoughts/tips on body confidence, you can use my social media or the comments section below.

My next post will be up tomorrow so keep an eye out for that. Until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
