Happy Birthday Stay Blogitive!

Today is February 10th, which means that Stay Blogitive is now one year old! It has been an incredible twelve months, in which this page has gone beyond what I ever expected. Today, I’m going to split this post into three sections; then, now, and still to come. Each will explain just how my life has been changed by this page and my feelings then, at the moment, and about its future. Hope you enjoy!


When I uploaded that first post in February last year, I have to be honest and say that I was in a terrible place mentally. I was struggling to keep up at university, found social contact very difficult and my outlook on life was negative. At that point, I made the decision to try and turn things around and try to look on life in a more positive way. This led to two new projects which have become a huge part of my life ever since. One, I started the My 2015 project, a box in which I put all of the positive things that were happening. This was successful in making me feel more positive and has carried on into this year, with the 2016 version already starting to fill up. And, of course, the second of these was the creation of Stay Blogitive. I did have a blog before this one, but it focussed on negativity and all of the things I hated in the world, and it was generally not a healthy thing for me to do. So, I took that one down and started in a more positive fashion with my brand new blog. The general idea of it was to try and make myself feel more positive, and hopefully help other people to do the same along the way. And so, I set out on the journey of Stay Blogitive, and little did I know just what a journey it was going to be.


Here we are then, twelve months on, and a lot has changed.

I have spent the last year working on improving my outlook on life, and changing my state of mind. I am now back on track with university, which has allowed me to come to France for my placement year, something which is proving to be a breath-taking and enlightening experience for me. Socially, I am far closer to people who were on the fringes of my friend circle before, and have found the confidence to meet some amazing new people, and make some incredible new friends along the way. Not only that, but this page has gone far beyond what I ever expected. In a year, the pageviews count (at the time of writing) has reached 3,687 which is out of this world. With each post, I love blogging more and more, and am becoming prouder and prouder of my work each time.

All in all, at this point in time I am in a fantastic place in terms of both my blogging, and my life in general, with confidence flowing about the future of both.


After everything that Stay Blogitive has achieved up to this point, I have so much exciting stuff planned for its future.

Of course, if you are a regular reader, you will already know about the ongoing Trent’s Tracks series which I put up every Friday, and that I am planning on several other themes for post series which are coming up. I have also mentioned previously about the main goal for this year which is 10,000 pageviews, a target I believe is achievable.

So, yes, I have some exciting things coming up on this page, and I hope you are all going to stick around for it. I am so looking forward to the future of this blog, and I cannot wait to take you all along with me on the next steps of this remarkable journey.

Thank you for all of your support over the last twelve months, I could not have got to this point without you and I am grateful every single day to have you guys.

As usual, I am leaving my social media links at the bottom of this post, and invite you to comment too. The next in my Trent’s Tracks series will be up on Friday, so until then, keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!


