February is here!

In what seems like no time at all, January is over, and 2016 is already one month old. And what a month it was for me. Today, I want to look back over January and then look ahead to what to expect throughout February on this page.


For quite some time now, I have spoken about the fact that I would be spending the first six months of this year in France as part of my university course. Well, during that period of nearly three weeks when I didn’t post, I was in fact trying to settle into my new environment. Apologies to you all for that, but this has been a difficult process, and I needed to take that time to deal with everything. At the beginning of the month, I fully intended to post regularly, but I underestimated how difficult the first few weeks were going to be. It is for this reason that I have decided to extend my theme of “New” throughout February in order to be able to fully explore it as much as possible.

However, as tough as things have been, it has been an amazing journey so far and I am really starting to enjoy the experience and the wonders of living my life in this beautiful country. In the end, I know that all of the hardship will be worth it, and I appreciate just what a great opportunity this is and I am incredibly grateful to have been given this chance.

Next week, I will be posting about “New Places”, where I will be talking more about my experiences and feelings so far, so keep an eye out for that.


Another exciting thing that happened in January was the launch of my new music series, Trent’s Tracks. Every Friday, I recommend a brand new song that I enjoy and share it with you along with some of the reasons I like it. Music is one of those things that is unique in the way that it can bring people together, and I want to use it to bring me closer to you, and for you to get to know me a little bit better through the sorts of songs I listen to. I am very proud of this series so far and have already decided on some of the tracks which are yet to come, and I cannot wait to tell you about them in future posts.


As I have already mentioned, I am going to extend the theme of “New” into February so that I can explore the theme in detail and get the best out of it. Next week is when I plan to put up my “New Places” post, which will give you more info about my time in France so far, as well as discussing travel in general, so make sure to keep up with me for details of when that goes live.

Next Wednesday, the 10th of February, this blog will be a year old! To mark Stay Blogitive’s 1st birthday, I will be doing a review of the first year, and what it has given me. Also, I have a target to reach before that day, of 3,650 pageviews (10 for each day). At the time of writing, the total is 3,567, so it is within sight. If you could help get to that goal, I would be so grateful, as I always am to all of you for your support. I will talk about this more in next Wednesday’s post, so again keep a look out for that.

As always, I thank you for being patient with me over this stressful and difficult month. If you want to stay updated, you can do so via any of my social media links in the table below. Also, feel free to leave me your thoughts in the comments on this post.  The next in my Trent’s Tracks series will be up this Friday, and until then, all I have to say is keep active, keep smiling, and, above all else keep believing!
