
If you’ve been following me on all of my social media, you will have noticed that I have now rebranded it. Today, I wanted to talk you through some of the changes that have taken place.

The colours

To be honest, I drafted out a few different colour schemes before I settled on my eventual choice of orange and white. Even though the colour scheme is simple, I feel like it has made the world of difference to how my blog and my pages appear. Even though it wasn’t intentional, it makes the theme more positive, and so it reflects what the overall theme of this blog is supposed to be.

The logo

I don’t know why, but I love working with diamonds and triangles in anything creative I do and I wanted this to show in my logo, because after all this blog should have elements which reflect my personality. I’m really happy with my eventual design and the overall final look.

The banner

When it came to the banner, there was no competition for what it would be. It had to be the phrase which I include at the end of every post and which defines my outlook on life and what this blog is all about; Keep Believing! It means so much to me and is an important part of why I keep blogging and how I want my readers to feel after reading my posts. Even though it is a simple banner, it really does fit with the overall theme of my blog.

So, that’s it! I hope you guys like the changes. Let me know what you think in the comments below or via my social media links and thank you guys for sticking with me. As ever, keep reading, keep following and (as my banner now says) keep believing.


Social Media links
