
Last week, I turned 21.

For me, this milestone seems like a good opportunity to set myself some goals for the future. So, I have set myself five things I want to achieve by the time I reach my 22nd birthday in a year’s time.

Get to 1000 pageviews

In a previous post, I said that it meant a lot to me to hit 200 pageviews and now I’m looking ahead and hoping that this blog will become more popular over the next twelve months and I think it is realistic to aim to reach 1000 pageviews in that time.

Get 100 followers on Twitter

At the time of writing, I have around 50 followers and would really like to double this within the next year and I hope that you will all share this blog around and get people to follow me on Twitter so that this blog can continue to grow and develop.

Start a YouTube channel

This is something I’m going to talk about more in a future post so for now I will only say that this is something that it is in the works.

Pass my placement year at university

After my first three years at university (the last of which was a repeat year) I am looking forward to embarking on the adventure that is my placement year. I will be working in the UK for the first part of it and then will be studying in France for the second part. From watching and hearing about the experiences of others who have been on this journey already, I realise that this is probably going to be one of the best and most enriching times of my life and I cannot wait for it to start.

Set up a Facebook page 

In order to make my blog more popular, I need to expand my social media. So far, I have not reached Facebook but this is about to change and I am in the process of creating a page for my blogs so that I can reach more people. I can promise you that I will have a Facebook page very soon for you and will let you know when it is set up.

There you have it. Five goals of things I want to achieve before I am 22. Of course, I will be posting updates on these goals in the future so you guys can see how I’m doing with them and a year from now, I will be reviewing how well I’ve done.

As ever, if you want to keep updated about my goals and my blogs, be sure to follow me on all of the social media links below. Thanks for reading and remember to keep reading, keep achieving and above all, keep believing.


“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” Tony Robbins

Social Media links
