Life Updates 6

From now on, I’m not going to stick to the structure of previous life update posts and change things around a bit. Hopefully, this will be a better way of writing these posts.

As far as placement year goes, I moved one step closer to the next stage this week.

As is the case with so many of these things, there was a mountain of paperwork to get through before going. This week, all of that was at last completed and it means January and the chance to study in France are fast approaching. Time is passing so quickly!

The reality of this part of my placement year has also just hit me, because this week I set my travel date. It is now official that on January 11th 2016, I will be leaving the UK and heading into my study placement abroad. After setting this, everything feels real and after more than two years in the planning, this amazing adventure is now less than eight weeks away!

What this does mean of course is that I am nearing the end of this term and what has been an amazing and enlightening experience for me. I have to say that although I was hesitant with this placement at the beginning, I have enjoyed it far more than I expected and I will be sad when I have to go in four weeks’ time.

That’s all I wanted to talk about from this week, but I do have an announcement coming in a couple of days, so be sure to keep an eye out for that and for my review of Face the Raven which should be up sometime before Monday night. Until then, keep active, keep smiling and above all, keep believing!


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