Life Updates 4

Hello! I’m saying that because it has been SO LONG since I last posted. I have been massively busy over the last few weeks. As well as that, I’ve had writer’s block every time I’ve tried to write a post for you guys and this has been so frustrating because I have really wanted to put something up and haven’t been able to. Right now, there are also things going on in my life which I would like to remain personal but these have affected me so much and have also impacted my ability and motivation to post. I hope you understand that things haven’t been easy but there are more posts on the way now so please do stick with me.

Placement Year

Time is passing so quickly! Since my last update, two more weeks of this term have passed and now I’m over halfway through this part of my placement year! Now I’ve got to know my colleagues, I’m feeling much more comfortable and settled than ever and have really found my place within my working environment. I am beginning to gain skills in terms of co-operation and interaction within a team as well as gaining confidence when it comes to dealing with the occasional client.
This week, I experienced perhaps the most amazing confidence boost. When in a meeting with some of my course tutors, I was informed that the team I’m working with were really impressed with what I had done and had a high amount of praise for me. To be told this is absolutely fantastic and has made me feel so proud, in addition to making me feel better at a time when other aspects of my life don’t seem to be going too well. Hopefully I will continue to be of this much value to my colleagues as I move into the second half of this part of my year.


As I’ve already mentioned, I haven’t posted in the last few weeks because of various reasons but I am back now and I hope to be posting regularly again very soon if not immediately. I also have an exciting new blogging project which I hope to announce in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned if you want to know more.

Halloween and Bonfire Night

In the time I’ve been away, both Halloween AND Bonfire Night have passed.

When it comes to Halloween, I would rather not discuss what happened. Let’s just say for the sake of this blog that it was not the best night I’ve ever had. However, I hope you all had a fantastic and safe Halloween and enjoyed yourselves.

For all of my non-UK readers, Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night or Fireworks night is a British celebration. It is the November 5th every year and involves lighting bonfires and going to huge public firework displays.

In all honesty I hadn’t been to a public display since I was about 9 and I ended up crying because I hated it! So this was my first time going to a fireworks display in 12 years and it was so good. I had fun and enjoyed spending time with so many amazing friends, including the brilliant new people I met on the night. It really is such a positive thing spending time with great people and getting to know so many other new people who are so much fun to be around.  Thank you to everyone who made this a brilliant night and here’s to many more amazing times like this in the future!

I think that is it for this update. Thank you all for being so patient with me whilst I’ve been away and as I said already, this is hopefully the time when things go back to normal. I am going to be catching up on all of my Doctor Who reviews very soon as I have missed the last two and really want to get up to date with them all as soon as possible. Stay tuned for all of those, follow me on all of the social media links at the bottom of the page and do let me know if you have any thoughts or questions on anything I’ve posted about. Until next time, keep following, keep smiling and of course, above all keep believing!


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