Life Updates 5

Here is the latest on what’s going on in my life, so enjoy!

Placement Year

Out of the 10 week duration of this part of my placement, 5 weeks have now passed. This means that already I’m halfway through it! Time is passing so quickly and before long, I’m going to have to face the inevitable reality of what comes next.

For now, I am happy to continue developing key new workplace skills. As time progresses, I am gaining more confidence in interacting with both clients and colleagues. This week, I attended a number of meetings and had to engage with others in a new range of contexts. I am starting to realise that in the future, the key skills I am learning this term will be beneficial to me when I apply for jobs, be they part-time or graduate.

As the term heads towards its conclusion, I hope to continue learning and practicing new skills as well as building my self-confidence and my CV as a result of what I have done over this term.


Last weekend, I finally managed to catch up on all of my posts and work through the backlog which had started to build. I’m now back on track and hopefully I won’t disappear like that again.

Another week, another landmark!

I’m sure I say it all the time I hit a milestone like this, but it genuinely is amazing and I am so taken aback by the support I get from all of you. I could never have imagined getting anywhere near this a little over nine months ago when Stay Blogitive began. Thank you so much and I hope you all realise what this means to me.

A few weeks back, I mentioned that there MIGHT be a new logo on the way and that I had an idea in mind. I have now finalised the design and am almost ready to go with it. It hasn’t been that long since I last changed it, but I think it is important to constantly refresh and update this page so that it is the best and most appealing it can be. As of yet, I have no clear date when it will be launched, but I will keep you all up to date on my social media so look out for news on this.


In other news, I went to see the new James Bond film Spectre this week.

I admit that I’ve never been that interested in Bond films, and went along for reasons other than actually wanting to see the film itself. My main reasons for going were that I wanted to see what all of the recent hype was about and to go to the cinema which I haven’t done in a long time.

In spite of not being that interested, I did really enjoy the film and it was great to watch. In the age of Netflix and YouTube, I still feel that nothing can quite beat the atmosphere and the excitement of the full cinema experience.

Have you seen Spectre? What did you think? Let me know either in the comments or by following me on all of my social media links which are below. Other than that, I think that’s all I have to say this time.

This Saturday, I will be watching the next episode of Doctor Who, called Sleep No More, and my review of this will be up on Sunday night. Keep an eye out for that and until then, keep following, keep smiling and above all, keep believing!


Social Media links

Spotify: Search for “trentblogs” 
