Personal Goals for 2017

Hello again to you all.

A few posts ago, I wrote about some of my blogging goals for this year.

Today I’m going to do carry on the goals for 2017 theme, by going through some of the personal goals I want to achieve in the next 12 months.


One of the biggest things that is going to happen to me in 2017 is my graduation from university. This is a massive stage in my life, and there is still a lot of hard work to do between now and July to get to that point.

I will go into more detail about this in the next part of my End of an Era series, which is coming up on 30th January.


I would love to work more on my creative writing this year.

Writing is one of my BIGGEST passions. Creative writing forms a huge part of this passion, and I would very much love to have a career as a writer in the future. I absolutely love coming up with ideas and plots for stories, then planning them, and ultimately writing them if I can. However, whilst I have been at university, finding time to write a full book has been incredibly difficult. Once my university career ends in the summer, I should be able to fit in a lot more writing time than I have had over the last five years, and I intend to make progress on some of my ideas once I graduate.


Usually, I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because I find it a bit of a pointless exercise and most of the resolutions don’t last beyond the end of January. But, this year, I have come up with one which is more meaningful than the conventional ones, and one which I really want to work towards achieving.

“To be my authentic self, more often and with less fear”

I feel like I hold back on being myself far too much out of fear of other people’s judgement, and I am missing out on doing so many things because of it. There are so many things I want to do, but am too scared to do because I worry about what other people think. I know I shouldn’t but it is somehow engrained in my mind to make myself acceptable to everyone else by not doing things which will upset them, or make me too noticeable.

So, this year, I have made it my ambition to do more of the things I want to do, and to care less about what people might think of it. In so doing, I hope to develop a lot more confidence in myself and become a more open, outgoing person than I have been before. This will include things such as talking more about what I like, doing more new things with my appearance that I want to, and more openness with you guys online as well wherever appropriate.

There we have it then, those are my main personal goals for 2017. If you would like to share any of your own goals for this year with me, you can do so in the comments or on my social media which are linked in the table at the bottom of this post.

I will be posting again on Wednesday so keep an eye out for when that goes live. Until then, though, keep positive, keep smiling, and always keep believing!

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