My 2017!

Hello everyone, and welcome to 2017!

Today I’m going to be reflecting on the “My 2016” project and looking ahead to “My 2017”.

If you have been following this blog for a while now, you will know about the project I have done over the last two years. Two years ago, it was My 2015, last year it was My 2016. This is a positivity project which involves writing all of the positive things I have done/achieved over the course of a year onto bits of paper and putting them into a box which is opened up once the year is over.

A few days ago, I opened up the My 2016 box and read through all of the amazing things I did last year. It astonished me to recall just how much I had achieved in just twelve months, and that it took me over two hours to go through it all!

In case the colours below confuse you, I recorded all of the things I achieved related to my time in France on the WHITE papers to the right, and the other life things were written on the COLOURED paper to the right. Each side has been put into chronological order, which had the effect of producing a rainbow on the left.  

It seems that, in spite of it being a bad year in many ways, there was a lot of positivity and I did in fact achieve a lot of things. Ultimately, that is one of the aims of this project – focussing on and recording the positives so that I can see the light in negative situations and when things seem low and hopeless, I remember that good things are still happening.

For 2017, I am of course carrying on with another box, and have already started putting things in it.

To those of you who feel inspired to do your own version of the “My 2017” project, here are a few of my top tips.

·         Use a clear container (about 1.5l) so you can see it filling up over time

·         Write on colourful paper and/or using a range of different coloured pens

·         Nothing is too big or too small to put in. If you got a positive boost out of it, then it is absolutely worthy of going in, even if it is something simple.

·         It’s never too late in the year to start. If you are reading this in January, July, or December, it doesn’t matter. Even if you start late (and perhaps even have to backdate), it will still be worth doing.

I would love to hear about those of you who are doing this or similar projects throughout this year, and see some photos too. You can share them with me on my social media pages in the table below or in the comments section.

My next post will be up on Friday, and it will be the long-awaited return of Trent’s Tracks! Get excited for that, and until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and always keep believing! (Also let me know what you think of my new end card!)

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