Blogging Goals for 2017

Hello again everyone, and welcome to today’s post, all about my blogging goals for 2017.


This is one of my biggest goals for this year.

Just a short time ago, this seemed a LONG way off and I thought that if it ever did happen, it would be years down the line. But, as this page approaches its second birthday, 10,000 views is getting closer and closer to becoming a reality. At the time of writing, it is at 7,766 which means we have a little more than 2,200 to go, and I have now started to accept that this goal is within sight.

250 posts

I fully intend to post more than ever this year and will reach my 250th post at some time in 2017. (This is my 173rd)

Experiment with flat lay photography

My photos and the images I use for my posts have, I must admit, not been of the best quality and I need to try and improve this side of my posts. Something I have learnt about recently is the use of what’s known as flat lay photography, and am going to experiment with this in the future to deliver a higher quality of image on this page. After all, I do want my posts to be of the best standard possible and the graphics are a huge part of this.

Social media

I want to really boost my social media presence this year, and these are the targets I have set myself for my various accounts this year (you can find the links at the end of this post in the colourful table).

300 Twitter followers (currently 202)

250 likes on Facebook (currently 145)

Improve my Instagram – I have seriously neglected my Instagram so I am going to try and use it a lot more over the next twelve months, and try and post as often as I can for you guys.

As usual, I will leave you with my social media and the comments section if you have any thoughts or ideas you want to share with me. Don’t forget that Trent’s Tracks will be up on Friday so keep an eye out for that. Until then, though, keep smiling, keep positive, and as always, keep believing.  

Social Media Links
