22 things I did at 22

On July 30th , I turned 23.

Now I have turned another year older, I want to reflect on all of the things I managed to achieve between my 22nd and 23rd birthdays. Here are the 22 things I achieved whilst 22.

1.       Finally accepted my sexuality

2.      Came out online

4.      Went to Student Pride

5.      Met Riyadh Khalaf at Student Pride in London

6.      Got the Pride of the Year award

7.       Got the Member of the Year Award

8.      Got through my final year at university

9.      Went to London

10.   Went to Blackpool

11.    Went to Bournemouth

12.   Went back to Tours (France)

13.   Caught a plane alone for the first time

14.   Got over 700 Twitter followers

15.   Hit the huge milestone of 10,000 pageviews

16.   Rebranded my blog

17.   Completed my Through the Decades megamonth

18.   Completed my Tracks of 2007 megamonth

19.   Met some amazing new people

20.  Was president of my university’s Doctor Who society

21.   Overcame my fear of dogs (mainly because we got our puppy)

22.  Grew in self confidence

And there you go, those are 22 things I achieved whilst 22 years old. Of course, there are many more achievements from the past year but these are the ones I am most proud of. Hopefully, the next year is going to deliver just as many, if not more, things to be proud of as I enter the next chapter of my life. I have so many things planned for the next twelve months and I am going to set out my goals for the next year in my next post, along with some exciting updates for you all.

Keep an eye out for that post, and until then, keep positive, keep smiling, and above all, keep believing!
