New Goals

Hello again everyone, and welcome to my first post as a 22-year-old.

As promised, today’s post is going to be about my goals to reach before my next birthday a year from now.

Get my Facebook page to 250 likes

Considering that my Facebook page DIDN’T EVEN EXIST this time last year, it has already gone past 100 likes. I am amazed by this, and am aiming to keep on growing it in the future. If I can get 100 in the first year, then I can definitely more than double it in the next twelve months.

500 followers on Twitter

This number has already more than doubled since 12 months ago (50 a year ago to almost 200 now) so it is realistic to aim to at least double this again within the next year.

Reach 15,000 pageviews on this page

For those who saw my 2016 is here post from January, you will know that I am aiming at 10,000 pageviews by the end of the year. Alongside this, I am also now targeting 15,000 by the time I turn 23 at the end of July 2017. It is certainly a long way off, but a year ago, I was targeting 1,000 and have passed that easily, despite the fact that at that time, it seemed so far away. It just goes to show that anything is possible really!

100 followers on Instagram

This is one social media account which I need to work on more, and now Twitter and Facebook have started to take off, I fully intend to make Instagram my next social media project. This starts with my “Photography Challenge” month this August, where I will be posting one picture a day for the whole month. If you want to follow me, this is the link to my Instagram.  

Get to 200 blogposts

This is another number I want to double before my next birthday, which I can hopefully do now I am posting more and more often.

Learn to swim

I have never been confident when it comes to water, and this has led to me never learning to swim, barring a brief period in 2011 when I tried to teach myself to swim. I am finally at the point where I am happy enough and motivated enough to push myself to achieve this skill that has eluded me for the last 22 years. I will probably say more about this in future posts, and keep you up to date with my progress.

Pass final year comfortably and Graduate from university

After achieving a comfortable pass this year, I now have the confidence and the self-belief to go forward and get another decent pass grade as my university journey draws to a close, so that I can graduate with a mark worthy of my ability next July.

You can follow the journey of my final year at uni with my “End of An Era” series as I near graduation. Post number one is right here.

Go back to France

My time in France earlier this year was the best experience of my life, and I had the best time out there. I fell in love with the people, the culture, and the country as a whole. I fully intend to go back in the future, and preferably sooner rather than later, so it is more than likely that I will be booking myself a holiday to return there before very long.

Visit 5 new cities

Another thing that has emerged from my time abroad is a new sense of wanderlust that I never had before. It has opened up my mind to the world, and I have a greater realisation of how big the world really is. So, in order to satisfy this new-found craving to see places, I have set myself the target of visiting at least FIVE new cities within the next year. At this stage, I have no idea whether they will be in the UK or abroad, but one thing is for sure, it won’t be long until I’m on the move and seeing new places again.

So that’s it, that is my list of things I hope to do/achieve within the next 12 months of my life. If you want to have your say, you can place your thoughts in the comments down below. You can also keep up to date with me and how I’m doing with these goals on my social media links which are in the table below.

Don’t forget that my “Photography Challenge” month begins tomorrow, August 1st!
Get excited for that, and until then, keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!

